var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "AccelMan is a modern file manager incorporating a file viewer, GUI console, media player, and bookmarks manager. In AccelMan, you are not restricted to an obsolete dual-pane file manager interface - you can open as many managers as you wish and freely organize your environment on the AccelMan desktop.
AccelMan is a unique multipurpose application. You can use it as an improved file manager, ACDSee-style image viewer, bookmark management tool, play-list editor, media player, functional GUI console, files processor, archiver with support of 15+ formats, PDF and MS Office documents manager, hexadecimal editor and more...
- Perform file management tasks in the background: copy, compress, move, rename, delete files individually or as groups, applying batch rules.
- Search for files using name masks or complex content filters. You can save search results and search conditions for future reuse.
- View JPEG (with EXIF), GIF, PNG, TIFF, PSD and 30 other image formats individually or in a Slide Show. Copy image fragments to the clipboard.
- Convert any images to JPEG, TIFF, GIF. PNG and BMP formats, recompress JPEG.
- Manage text, MS Office, Photoshop, PDF, HTML and others documents, accessing documents contents.
- Preview and install True Type fonts.
- Quickly navigate through files and folders using bookmarks, shortcuts, color marks, history lists and filters.
- Preview audio and video files (MP3, WAV and others), generate play-lists.
- E-mail files and folders using your default e-mail client.
- Use, manage and easily configure files associations.
- Work with the Windows console in a convenient graphical environment.
- Work with ZIP, TAR, GZIP, ARJ, RAR and others archives.
- Edit binary files in hexadecimal mode.
- Create, save and restore your personal workspaces using AccelMan Interface Schemes. 12 predefined schemes included (Images Browser, Film Strip, Norton Commander and others).";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';