var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Corel WinDVD Advisor tool is a small application. It can be used to check whether your computer is capable of playing Blue Ray or HD DVD data or discs.
We know, high-definition is the present trend. All the movies that are being released is available in HD DVD or Blue Ray Discs, even though most of us don't have a blue ray or HD DVD drive. WinDVD® 9 is a software that already has support for these high definition video types.
Just run the program, click "Start Advisor Tool" and within a second, it shows the result. Well, the result contain whether you have a blue ray / HD DVD drive, your CPU type and processor speed, your graphics card and graphics memory, your total RAM, and your graphics driver version.
Anyway, this program is a very small one. It doesn't give much information about your hardware, I mean the informations needed for a power user or administrators. It only says whether you have a graphics card, CPU or Operating System! that can fully run the high definition video without any loss in video quality or smooth video. In the recommendations column, they provide link to windvd website and not much info as I told earlier!
So, this tool is really for someone who needs to buy the Corel WinDVD 9 with blue ray enabled player, and can see whether his computer is fully prepared to run a blue ray or HD/DVD.";
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