var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Mummy's Curse is a free downloadable action game developed by Media Contact LLC and published at It is very simple, just download, install and play.
Get all the treasures before the mummies catch you.
Thousands of years ago, the Pharaohs hid treasures of great value in cryptic labyrinths. It is now your duty to get them. If you do not get caught by the mummies.
This peculiar plot hides in fact a very elaborate version of the classic Pacman, to be exact a the Pacmania version, the only one in which Pacman was able to jump. This time we do not take control of Pacman, but an explorer of Egyptian tombs, you should not eat points, but pick up the treasures, and you do not have to run from ghosts, but from mummies.
Mummy's Curse is very easy to approach and handling and offers lots of fun thanks to a lot of levels and four difficulty levels and a lot of new options to be unlocked.
If sum all the before mentioned features to a graphics section which has a high quality, Mummy's Curse is a game which you will enjoy for hours. All in all, it is a great entertainment.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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