var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "iGrid for .NET is the descendant of the ActiveX grid control, iGrid ActiveX. iGrid.NET is based on the iGrid ActiveX successful ideology, but enhances its ancestor a lot. iGrid.NET was rewritten from scratch for the .NET Framework to use the capabilities of the new platform.
It is simple to use iGrid ActiveX as it allows you to format each cell individually through the set of Cell* properties. iGrid.NET still supports this feature, but introduces cell style objects you can use to format cells as well. The iGrid cell style object is an object that stores all parameters of cell formatting.
You can apply this object to independent cells in the same or different columns, or format the entire column with it in one statement. In this case you get the ability to minimize and simplify your code and support efforts in the future. Moreover, if you use a cell style object, you can reformat all the cells which have this style simply by changing the properties of the style object! You can view some code samples and see how easily it can be done on the Code Samples page of the Control Tour.";
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