var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Descent 3 updated the previous versions in every way: it is bigger, better, prettier than its older brothers. The Descent game series is one of the most iconic in gaming history, giving us true six-degree movement in first person. Many thought that Descent 3 would not live up to expectations, however everyone was blown away when Descent 3 was published. The game's storyline starts at the end of Descent 2, although in this game the story is not the important bit.
The game includes 15 single-player missions, these are huge levels with a lot of level puzzle-solving involved in order to complete the missions. The graphics, although outdated, do improve the feel from the previous versions, as well as the sound effects, as well as everything else. You cannot call yourself a fan of Descent, let alone a "gamer", if you haven't played Descent 3. Although the game has been out for nearly a decade it still has all its fun and its a definite classic in video game history. If you manage to find any copies in the market, don't hesitate to get it.";
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var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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