var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Pocket Informant 8.0 is a PIM (Personal Information Manager) which will make your Pocket PC a much more useful tool. Pocket Informant 8.0 provides a calendar, contact database and task list.
First of all let's talk about the calendar. Pocket Informant 8.0 can show our appointments in different views, such as, agenda, day, week, month. It's completely customizable so we can choose the colours that match our windows mobile theme the best.
The task list is much of the same we have in the default windows mobile to do list, but here again we can customize colours.
The contact list is quite complete in fields available. We can browse contacts or we can search through filters which allow us to find what we are looking for in a fast and accurate way.
In this edition we can also find that some features are optimized to use with your fingers. This is called "Touch mode" and is the new trend in every Pocket PC application and device nowadays. Enabling "touch mode" it´s possible to change between task lists, calendar and contacts without using stylus, but there are still too many things that can't be done easily without it, so "touch mode" still requires many enhancements in further versions to be really useful.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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