var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Side-chaining compressors are used to create wonderful effects like vocal ducking then to fade music when the narrator is talking and they are also extensively used in dance productions. Side chaining in software has been made easy with db audioware Sidechain Compressor 1.1.
The dbaudioware Sidechain Compressor 1.1 package is an easy to use with high compatibility to any software supporting side chaining directly or indirectly. To get better analog response the algorithm compressor has been re-designed, enhancing the features like the control, flexibility and character of the sound. The package is able to give you smooth sounding compressions with short attack release times and it also acts as an excellent standard channel insert compressor. The package features modified compression algorithm with astounding vintage sounds, multi track side-chaining with one to one or one to many track side-chaining. It has a user friendly and elaborate user interface with better visual feedback for your assistance. The package has better control on the compression response and you can auto-gain with the integrated limiter. Complete MIDI control and an easy to learn MIDI learn feature.
The dbaudioware Sidechain Compressor 1.1 uses the highly tested and very popular dbaudioware’s Universal Sidechains.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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