var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Visit the Mega Airport Lisbon the main airport of Portugals capital. Michael Kopatz and Peter Werlitz recreated the airport up to the smallest detail incl. all buildings and installations, docking systems and all the features you expected from a modern scenery development in FSX and FS2004.
The Airport ground texture is based on a high detailed areal image. All buildings, lighting systems, navigation beacons and of course the layout of taxiways and runways have been recreated to perfection. Static aircraft can be de-activated to make room for the AI traffic. Runway 03/21 in Lisbon has two special Rapid Exit Taxiways, RET's. These taxiways (HN and HS) allow the aircraft to leave the runway at high speed.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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