var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Netwrix Password Manager gives end users ability to securely manage their passwords and resolve account lockout incidents in a self-service fashion without involvement of helpdesk personnel, allowing organizations to implement strong password policies in Active Directory environments and address their identity management challenges.
Password management is the most common IT support issue bringing most helpdesk workload in many organizations. Password complexity and expiration policy requirements lead to frequently forgotten passwords and account lockouts, increasing overall administrative burden.
Netwrix Password Manager is a simple and cost effective solution that allows users to reset forgotten passwords, troubleshoot account lockouts and unlock their locked accounts manually, through convenient web-based self-service portal and integration with standard Windows logon procedure. The product includes sophisticated account lockout troubleshooting engine taken from famous Account Lockout Examiner product to let users examine and fix account lockout issues themselves without calling their IT helpdesk.
The product uses the question and answer security system for user authentication. First, users enroll by creating their profile. Once the profile is established, the user can manage their password and account manually by simply supplying the answers from profile. The product supports Windows 2000/2003 Active Directory domains and all Windows client operating systems. All account operations are logged for regulatory compliance and easy access by IT personnel interested in monitoring of password management activity.
NOTE: Please contact Netwrix Corporation (visit to get license quote for your organization.";
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