var fDesc=new Array(); fDesc[0] = "AN Name Editor is a simple to use name editor allowing you to edit your name and player macros in BHD and TS.
The application is absolutely free, easy to install, easy to use and has a friendly user interface. You can edit several player names and save the configuration of that players fast and easy"; function tShowHide(id, show) { var s = document.getElementById("desc"); if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2) { s.innerHTML = fDesc[id]; if (document.getElementById('m1')) document.getElementById('m1').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('m2')) document.getElementById('m2').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('more_txt')) document.getElementById('more_txt').style.display='inline'; } else { s.innerHTML = ''; } }