var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "FlexiCAD 3 is a 2-d drafting program which is designed for use in both Secondary and Primary schools. As well as being very easy to get started, the program has a range of powerful features that pupils can learn as they need to use them. FlexiCAD encourages the use of objects within a drawing. It is particularly suitable for graphical modelling.
To enable you to position things accurately on the screen, FlexiCAD can provide a grid system which makes it very easy to create simple drawings where things line up. If you choose the Grid tool, FlexiCAD will force all line, arc and curve ends to snap onto the nearest point on the grid.
You can change the size, shape and appearance of the grid, including switching to an isometric grid. If you prefer, you can use the Hunt tool which will force a point to 'snap' onto the nearest point which is at the end of an existing line, arc or curve, or the centre of a circle or an ellipse. It will help make drawings more accurate and avoid gaps between lines, arcs and curves.
FlexiCAD allows you to fill any closed shape with a solid colour. All fills are fully scaleable so that the edges do not become 'pixelated' when printed or when you zoom in. You can also choose to fill with a hatch pattern, and the program comes with a choice of 25 different patterns such as parallel lines, bricks, honeycomb or weave.
It is very easy to add a fill or a hatch pattern to any part of your drawing - just click anywhere inside the closed area that you want to be filled or hatched and the program does the rest.
The program provides simple but powerful system for changing part of your drawing. Each line, arc, circle, ellipse and text item is part of an object - with a maximum of 30000 elements altogether.
The program enables you to move, reflect, scale, rotate or stretch either individual objects or any collection of them. You can also name, combine, split, hide and delete objects, giving a versatile system for managing complex drawings.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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