var fDesc=new Array(); fDesc[0] = "A fully functional, yet flexible logo program. There are three levels to allow progression. At the simplest level children are introduced to distances and angles and use easy on-screen buttons before moving on to recording sequences of movement which introduces them to simple programming. Using the same logo language that is used to control floor turtles, children can use the on-screen keypad or type commands straight onto the page. Choose from over 30 animated turtles or create your own. Picture files can also be saved to the page to create interesting and fun backgrounds on which to plot the turtle's path."; function tShowHide(id, show) { var s = document.getElementById("desc"); if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2) { s.innerHTML = fDesc[id]; if (document.getElementById('m1')) document.getElementById('m1').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('m2')) document.getElementById('m2').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('more_txt')) document.getElementById('more_txt').style.display='inline'; } else { s.innerHTML = ''; } }