var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "“Introduction to C# 2008 Express Edition”, created by MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network), is an easy and fun way to know what you can do with this version of C# programming language. Basically, this introduction is a lesson on video format, which covers the most important topics about developing applications on C# 2008 Express Edition. These topics, chronologically ordered, are the following:
• Setup
• Creating a Project
• The Windows Form Designer
• Writing C# code
• Compiling, Running and Saving your project
• Errors and Debugging
• Project Files, Properties and Customization
• Data
• Where to go from here
You can either take this lesson on-line from the MSDN web page, or you can download it to your computer, so you don’t need to be connected during your study time.
When you download and install this lesson , one new folder named “Introduction to CSharp 2008 Express Edition” will be created with the following three files:
1. “Introduction to CSharp 2008 Express Edition.wmv”, a 37 minutes Windows Media Video file containing the lesson itself;
2. “Introduction to CSharp 2008 Express Edition Transcript.doc”, a 13 pages Microsoft Word document with the video transcription;
3. “”, a Rich Text Format document containing license information;
This video lesson is the best option to begin studying C# 2008 Express Edition, and also the less time consuming one. By the end of the lesson you’ll feel more comfortable in the development environment and, why not, ready to start writing your first application. This lesson is not oriented to experienced Visual Studio users, since they may not learn anything new.
Back to the lesson description, we have to mention that is available for free for anyone who’s eager to learn, and doesn’t require any prerequisites. C# 2008 Express Edition is a powerful and free opportunity to create Windows and Web applications.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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