var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "MP3Find - Media Managemensystem. This application comes up with almost all features you need to manage your Audio- and Videofiles stored on CD, Harddisk or local network
As additional feature you can use MP3Find like a DJ with 2+1 remote controlled Winamp Players. Crossfading and Preplay on an optional second Soundcard.
- comfortable and fast read in the MP3s - high-speed search for your favorite song with variable search options - high-speed search of your favourite album with the integrated album-explorer - easy clearing up of the MP3s by integrated copy and shifting functions - high-speed copying function over Short CUT - simply evaluating and grouping of the MP3s - integrated ID3v1 and ID3v2-Tag-Editor - presenting like a DJ through CROSS fading with 2 Playern - preplay the MP3s on optional 2. Soundcard - computer-spreading present by MP3Find-Soundserver - autom. Indexfile-recreation during inventory change - listing jerk, text and data base export - complete support of WINAMP 5 - skiable user surface - comfortable handling - administration of MP3 directly of MP3-CDs, HDD and LAN - access to Mediafiles over the InterNet (Web server) - no delimitation in the number of managable Mediafiles. New: finding duplicateds with real audio compare, accoustic fingerprint, software listen to the songs, Full automatic synchronisation of two harddiscs or servers without dublicated Mediafiles.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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