var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Tableau's Disk Monitor tracks the physical storage devices currently attached to your computer, giving you the ability to display a range of technical information about each storage device.
The Tableau Disk Monitor is especially useful when used in conjunction with Tableau Forensic Bridges. When used with a Tableau Forensic Bridge, the Tableau Disk Monitor displays technical information exactly as returned by the storage device. When using a modern O/S like Microsoft Windows, the O/S often obscures or even hides relevant information about the storage device. In conjunction with a Tableau Forensic Bridge, the Tableau Disk Monitor shows you exactly what the storage device itself reports for make, model, serial number, and true capacity, even showing the HPA and DCO capacities for IDE/SATA devices. Additionally, the combination of the Tableau Disk Monitor and a Tableau Forensic Bridge lets you reset DCO (on IDE/SATA devices) directly from within Windows!
The Tableau Disk Monitor can also print or save reports for each storage device, making it easy to incorporate these reports in forensic case files.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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