var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Clonk Endeavour, created by RedWolf Design, is one of the three available versions of this game. Without doubt, the strongest aspect of Clonk Endeavour is the ability of creating new scenarios from pre-created elements of modular design. The different combinations of those elements result in a virtual endless amount of possible scenarios for the game. Among those elements, there are even weather conditions included. This aspect, along with the fact that the game can be played in a single player mode or multiplayer, either at the same computer, over a LAN or even the Internet, make Clonk Endeavour a good option in this particular category of games.
The main characters of this game are the “clonks”. These little guys work in crews which you and your opponents have to control in order to achieve certain goals. The two main goals to be achieved by the crews are: build up a settlement by mining certain resources; or eliminate the opponent’s crew.
The downside of the game are the graphics and sounds. While playing Clonk Endeavour you could get the feeling that you are playing an old classic arcade game from the nineties. Of course, if you are absolutely focused on the strategic and tactic aspects of the game, probably you won’t worry at all about the quality of graphics or sounds. That will depend on what kind of player you are. Another aspect of the game that could be annoying is that the main menu presents a lot of elements altogether which, at least at first, can be really confusing.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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