var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Mother of all battles, developed by Sean O'connor’s Windows Games, is war and strategy game for one up to six players, that fans of the genre will love.
The game is inspired by the classic Empire, and the objective is to conquer the world, by destroying the pieces or cities of your enemies. Each city can build several pieces or war equipment such as tanks, planes, paratroopers, bombers, destroyers, aircraft carriers, battleships, or submarines, for you to use according to your needs.
Before starting, you have to set some parameters like the game difficulty, and the size of the territory where the war will take place. To defeat an enemy, you only have to move where it is standing and beat him before it takes over your cities.
The game is really challenging; it requires tactics as well as strategy. If it is your first time playing it, you can check its comprehensive help file as well as a demo that will show you the details of all the game features.
As for the game interface, it offers easy and quick access to all of the game options by means of a useful toolbar. Its graphics are not impressive but they are just adequate for the gameplay.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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