var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "SplitMe, is an universal binary file splitter and self-rejoin exe generator. Meaning that you may split any file type into smaller pieces to fit on floppy, cdrom, e-mail or other media type.
SplitMe create a self-rejoin exe file- the last one piece- so you can rejoin them back into original file without the need to have SplitMe software installed.
You may define either the size of the pieces or the number of the pieces. Each one will be computed dynamically while you enter data. Also, for your convenient we provide some standard sizes from you can choose.
Main features:
- Split any binary file int- smaller pieces;
- Maximum file size t- split: 8,589,934,591 GB( in Registered Versi-n);
- Self-rej-in exe file is generated t- rej-in the pieces back int- -riginal file with-ut the need t- have SplitMe s-ftware installed;
- Exe file is attached t- the last piece s- y-u will d-n't have t- w-rry ab-ut an extra file t- c-py;
- The file may be split by defining the size -f the pieces, number -f pieces -r by selecting a standard media size;
- Standard size available: Fl-ppy 360KB 5.25 in.;
- Fl-ppy 1.2MB 5.25 in.;
- Fl-ppy 720KB 3.5 in.;
- Fl-ppy 1.44MB 3.5 in.;
- Fl-ppy 2.88MB 3.5 in.;
- CD-R 650MB/74 MIN.;
- CD-R 700MB/80 MIN.;
- Maximum file size limit f-r a piece is 33,554,432 Gb;
- Aut- create -utput direct-ry;";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';