var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Iceows 4.20b is a program to compress or extract archive files.
ICEOWS (Interface de Compression Ergonomique pour windOWS= Ergononomic Compression Interface for Windows), known as ArjFolder in previous versions, integrates all the functionality of ArjFolder 3.65 with new features.
With ICEOWS you will be able to compress files stored in ICE, ARJ, ZIP, GunZip, TAR, Microsoft CAB, RAR, ACE, MIME, Mac HQX, UUEncode, XXEncode, Base64, JAR, EAR, WAR, LHA, IMP, BZ2 files without an external program.
Should the archive be an ICE, ARJ or ZIP, you will also be able to add, update and delete files stored within the archive.
You can choose to download the international version (that can be installed and run in eleven different languages) or the version in the language you like.
After installation, ICEOWS will be integrated in your context menu. The only executable file it will show you is used to set the program´s settings.
Pointing a file or group of files you will be able to compress them in the format you like.
Right clicking on an archive file will allow you to extract it or create a self extracting .exe.";
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