var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "HyperCare is used for finding file format errors and link errors for website and local files, and helps you edit those errors easily and instantly.
File format errors include Tag, script, string and other errors.
Link errors include missed links and bad formatted links.
If you have a website, you can optimize and modify your website online with the software.
Local files are a set of hyper documents, such as Microsoft html-help files, or a single hyper file. If you develop this kind of files, you can correct their errors instantly.
The program also provides an in-place edit interface for you.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';