var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Assists Res One Workspace environment and performs various maintenance operations.
Export to CSV lets you create a CSV file from all the applications in the RES ONE Workspace Console. When you click on “Create applications CSV”, the Toolkit will automatically create a Building Block and then it will load the Building Block into memory and export it as a CSV file.
With Building Block backup you can create a backup of RES ONE Workspace. You can create a backup now or create a Windows scheduled task. When the backup runs it will automatically create Building Blocks of all items and zip them in a folder with today’s date.
Restore Building Block lets you restore the .zip from Building Block Backup or lets you export one Building Block at a time. This tool is also useful for migrating from production to test environment.
When configuring the new Management Portal, it can happen that you’re locked out. With the reset function the WebConsole.config will be reset. When you start the Management Portal again it will start with the database wizard so you can reconfigure it. The old config will be renamed to WebConsole.config.ORG
It can happen that you are locked out from RES ONE Workspace Console. By clicking on “Unlock RES ONE Workspace Console” it will be started in lockout mode. After that you can enter the database credentials and gain access to your environment.
This tool will create a one time copy task command in the RES ONE Workspace under Execute Command. You can use this tool when migrating from one RES ONE Workspace environment to another. Run this tool in the new environment. You can also use this tool to merge different upr and upf files in one GUID. And to copy global profiles to application profiles.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
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