var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Code Team is current to the latest American Heart Association® ACLS guidelines and features 3 modules for complete certification preparation:
Cardio Quiz – ten self-teaching tutorials mixed with quiz questions prepare you for the written ACLS certification test. Covers airway management, IV techniques, cardiac drugs, case management priorities, Basic Life Support review, and more.
EKG Teaching – Live EKG with sound, stimulating tutorials and quizzes teach 3-lead rhythm strip interpretation. Covers normal and abnormal ECG parts and rhythms, with pathology pattern and recognition such as hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia, and hypothermia.
ACLS Protocols – features multiple interactive simulations that teach application of the AHA’s arrhythmia treatment algorithms to clinical situations. Among the protocols practiced are asystole, brachychardia with and without pulse, V-tach with and without pulse, V-fib, PAT, endotracheal drugs, and acidosis therapy. Perfect preparation for the dreaded MEGACODE portion of the ACLS certification.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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