100 baby gender calculator in Title/Summary

Baby Gender Calculator
Baby Gender Calculator is designed to provide to its users: - Prediction of periods with increased probability for conceiving a child of wanted gender for future parenting couples. This prediction is being made in western tradition, and is not based on Chinese Fortune Calendar nor Chinese Gender Chart. You can find the details about the ways in which Baby Gender Calculator is calculating
- Publisher: Obren Markov
- Last updated: August 18th, 2009

Baby Gender Predictor 2010
Baby Gender Predictor 2010 is simple but useful software to predict the sex of a baby by using three different methods: Chinese, Japanese, and Blood Age methods. You enter some data, like mother's birthday, father's birthday and conception date, and the result is displayed.
- Publisher: Aquarel Software
- Last updated: February 28th, 2010

MB Free Ideal Body Weight Calculator
MB Free Ideal Body Weight Calculator is an interesting health software designed to calculate the ideal body weight of a person which is calculated based on the gender and height of the person. This software gives best results when used for adults.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com
100 baby gender calculator in Description

JX Ovulation Calendar
JX Ovulation Calendar is a wonderful application for women that allows them to see which are the best days to conceive a baby or to avoid a pregnancy. The program features a nice and very intuitive user interface with clear legends which indicate the different events of the menstrual cycle.
- Publisher: JX Software Laboratory
- Home page: www.jxlab.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Pregnancy Calculator
Pregnancy Calculator is a simple application that will show you what are the best dates to conceive a child. The first thing to do is click on the first day of your last period. Then, the program will calculate when the baby should be conceived or was conceived, in case you are already pregnant.
- Publisher: Stephen J. Weeks
- Home page: www.sjweeks.co.uk
- Last updated: May 20th, 2008

JustLady Calendar
JustLady Calendar is a complete solution for women that allows them to know everything about their menstrual cycle. The first thing to do is complete some information about your cycle parameters, including last menstruation date, cycle length, menstruation length and luteal phase length.
- Publisher: Aquarel Software
- Last updated: May 11th, 2010

Cute Baby Name
Cute Baby Name is a simple but pretty useful database of baby names. The database includes thousands of boys and girls names. It includes the names, gender, origin, and meaning. Future parents can browse through the entire database and add the names they like most to the favorite folder.
- Publisher: cbn
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Baby Names - Simplistico Plug-In
Do you know the MEANING of your babies first name ? Enter ANY first name, eg. Laura and this Baby Names software will generate a GIFT with a personalised poem based upon many events including Birthdays, Christmas, Daughter, Son, Christening, Brother, Sister and many more which can be printed to give to friends & family as the PERFECT GIFT!
- Publisher: My-Software
- Home page: www.my-software.co.uk
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Additional 100 baby gender calculator selection

Lady's Calendar
Lady's Calendar is a nice and simple ovulation calendar. The calendar helps women keep track of their menstruation cycles and even avoid undesired pregnancy. You can easily mark the days you had sex, pre-menstrual symptoms, menstruation, and intermenses. For the menstruation, you can also mark its intensity with one to three marks.
- Publisher: Lady's Calendar
- Last updated: January 16th, 2009

MB Free Chinese Pregnancy Calendar
MB Free Chinese Pregnancy Calendar is an advanced yet simple tool based on the principles of Chinese lunar calendar. The tool helps a would-be mother to determine the gender of her baby based on her date of birth and date of conception.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Ovulation-Predict is Software specially designed for those women who are practicing Natural Birth Control Method (also known as Fertility Awareness Method). The program works as a calendar which records and processes your the most important...
- Publisher: Ovulation-Predict

Old Calculator for Windows
If you are one of these people who don't like the bigger, cumbersome calculator that comes with Windows 10 and want to recover the old, faster and smaller version from Windows 7, then you will love this program. It lets you install that older version on your Windows 10 system without needing to uninstall the default calculator.
- Publisher: WinAero
- Home page: winaero.com
- Last updated: May 6th, 2015

SSA Benefit Calculator
SSA Benefit Calculator is a handy tool developed by the Social Security Administration of the United States of America to help contributors to calculate, or better said estimate, their social benefits. As obvious as it may sound, this tool is only useful for people who have a social security number.
- Publisher: Social Security Administration
- Last updated: March 29th, 2014

Ovulation Calendar
Designed by a woman in consultation with women physicians, Ovulation Calendar is a program that calculates the time of ovulation and generates your personal fertility calendar. Simply enter the length of your menstrual cycle and the date of your last period, and Ovulation Calendar will calculate your fertile days.
- Publisher: QSX Software Group
- Last updated: July 6th, 2010

DPLS Scientific Calculator
This easy to use calculator is a must for science students. It includes triangle calculators, vector calculators, shape calculators, statistical calculators, measurement converters, 3000 compounds, 2000 formulas, 100 constants and 400 symbols.
- Publisher: Dot Point Learning Systems
- Last updated: August 21st, 2020

Timer Calculator
Timer Calculator is a program that allows you to create timer interrupts for any MCU. The program creates timer code for PIC, dsPIC30/33, PIC24, PIC32, AVR, STM32 and TIVA, and FT90x microcontrollers. Also, it includes over 100 most commonly used timer settings as presets.
- Publisher: MikroElektronika
- Home page: www.mikroe.com
- Last updated: August 24th, 2016

Baby Names
Baby Names is a very useful program for any couple preparing to have a baby. It contains about 21 thousand names along with their original meanings. The names are arranged according to gender, race, language, country, and even religion. You can build a list of your favorite names for later use.
- Publisher: Scodium
- Last updated: October 30th, 2014

BankBazaar.com Compound Interest Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the worth of your investment after some years if you earned a fixed rate of return on it. Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.
- Publisher: BankBazaar
- Last updated: June 24th, 2011