240 400 apps in Title/Summary

MiniD 400 Player
To display images from the MiniD400, connect the video output to your monitor. Any Television with a VIDEO INPUT terminal is suitable for displaying the images. The diagram above shows the video signal connections. The sensor terminal block is used to connect a sensor such as PIR to the MiniD400. This will trigger the device to event record.
- Publisher: Norbain SD Ltd
- Last updated: September 10th, 2011

SilverDev is simple but powerful, It builds graphic user interfaces for IBM i - AS/400 apps, using native Windows components in RPG. More user-friendly than DPSFs, SilverDev uses Windows interface components. Screens are designed using the mouse.There is no need for analysis and coding of interface behavior, you just "react" to events (mouse click, etc.)
- Publisher: Experia Europe
- Home page: www.silverdev.com
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2018

iFly 747-400 Service Pack
This Service Pack fixes some bugs in iFly 747-400 panel system and .air file. It is a complete TCAS simulation with audio and visual TA and RA system, with a detailed environment, cockpit and landscapes. The application is absolutely free, easy to install and to use.
- Publisher: iFly Developer Team, Simviation
- Home page: www.simviation.com
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008
240 400 apps in Description

Network Scanner Utility
It can be used to easily and quickly import scanned images stored in the mailbox of the scanner to TWAIN interface-compatible applications operating on Windows.
- Publisher: Fuji Xerox
- Last updated: April 18th, 2012

illumi All to iPod Converter
illumi All to iPod Converter is an application that can convert any format of video/audio into iPod. It helps you to transfer all of your favorite digital media files into your iPod 320*240 (*.mp4), iPod Video 2 640*480 (*.mp4), iPod Touch 320*240 (*.mp4), iPod Touch 480*320 (*.mp4), iPod Touch 640*480 (*.mp4), iPod Touch Wide Screen 720*406 (*.mp4), etc.
- Publisher: illumi Creations
- Last updated: March 9th, 2010

Sylph-Searcher is a program that enables fast full-text search of messages stored in mailboxes of Sylpheed, or normal MH folders. Sylph-Searcher requires the following programs: - GLib 2.4.0 or later - GTK+ 2.4.0 or later - MeCab 0.96 or later + mecab-ipadic - PostgreSQL 8.3 or later, or 8.2 + tsearch2 - LibSylph 1.0.0 or later
- Publisher: Hiroyuki Yamamoto
- Home page: sylpheed.sraoss.jp
- Last updated: May 10th, 2010

HiT OLEDB/400 (OLE DB for IBM i, iSeries or AS/400) is Windows client middleware for SQL access to IBM DB2 for i servers from custom applications and third party products. HiT OLEDB/400 accepts application SQL commands via ADO or directly via its object properties and methods.
- Publisher: HiT Software
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

CA Sales Tax Preparer 2013
This program calculates e-files, and prints CA Sales Tax Returns. Features: Main Form 401 Short Form 401-EZ Schedule A for District Tax Schedule B for Local Tax Schedule C for Allocation by Suboutlet Schedule G for Gasoline Sellers Form 1150 for prepayments
- Publisher: CFS Tax Software, Inc.
- Last updated: March 12th, 2014
Additional 240 400 apps selection

Autodesk Featured Apps 2016-2017
Autodesk Featured Apps 2016-2017 is a plug-in that adds a tab to the ribbon that displays recommended apps. The program displays an RSS feed of featured or suggested apps. The apps displayed in the ribbon will change from time to time as recommended apps in the store are updated. This plug-in is designed for the 2016-2017 versions of Autodesk products.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

WEBDEV allows you to easily develop Internet and Intranet sites and applications (WEB & SaaS) that support data and processes. WEBDEV works with all databases: HFSQL, AS/400 & IBM i,Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Informix, PostgreSQL, Progress, Sybase, etc.
- Publisher: PC SOFT
- Last updated: November 29th, 2016

Apps To PC
Apps To PC provide a fast way to recover Apps from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your iTunes library on your or PC. You simply, connect your iPhone, iPod or iPad to your computer and "App To PC" will list all your Apps. It runs under Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7. 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions of Windows are supported.
- Publisher: Wide Angle Software Ltd
- Home page: www.wideanglesoftware.com
- Last updated: December 11th, 2011

Show Apps in new tab
Since Google updated Chrome to version 29, the App overview is no longer shown, when opening a new tab. This extension restores that behavior to the way it was. It would also be helpful in restoring the New Tab settings (to App overview), if some other Chrome extensions have changed it.
- Publisher: bjorn.wikkeling.com
- Home page: chrome.google.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2015

GeoGebra Math Apps
GeoGebra Math Apps is an open-source dynamic mathematics software for learning and teaching at all levels. The program brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics, and calculus in one easy-to-use package. It provides different Views for mathematical objects.
- Publisher: International GeoGebra Institute
- Last updated: May 9th, 2017

iFly 747-400 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X
FSX iFly Boeing 747-400: iFly 747-400 V1.1.0.0 for FSX. Extreme detailed cockpit with fully simulated FMC. Complete TCAS simulation with audio and visual TA and RA system. Fully simulated Inertial Reference System. 90% of 3D fully operational buttons in VC mode. 3 model configuration for better performance. Includes with seven liveries.
- Publisher: iFly Developer Team
- Home page: www.fsdownload.com
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

PMDG 747-400/400F for FSX
PMDG747_400/400F for FSX is a simulation model add-on of the 747-400 aircraft especially developed for users of Microsoft Flight Simulator X that provides them with the opportunity to experience flying a virtual commercial airline model from their flight simulation program.
- Publisher: Precision Manuals Development Group
- Last updated: May 27th, 2008

PMDG 747-400 All In One 747-400F CARGO
Based on PMDG's 747-400 Queen of the Skies simulator, 747-400F CARGO is an expansion product that adds new visual models and updated systems to reflect those of the real -400F airplane. Please consult the features list below for a complete description of the contents of this exciting product. Don't miss your chance to enter the world of cargo flying
- Publisher: Precision Manuals Development Group
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

ImTOO iPhone Apps Transfer
With ImTOO iPhone Apps Transfer you can transfer apps from PC to Iphone. ImTOO iPhone Apps Transfer features: - Transfer iPhone apps to PC or iTunes singly or in batch. - Move and copy apps from computer to iPhone directly. - Add, save or delete app documents for iPhone. - Support to locate the app by searching.
- Publisher: ImTOO Software Studio
- Home page: www.imtoo.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2013

iFly Jets: The 747-400 for FSX
iFly Jets: The 747-400 for FSX is a realistic flight simulator. High accuracy simulation of cockpit and systems and a full load of features make this a premier expansion to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The product was tested by real 747 pilots to help maintain the accuracy required for this simulation.
- Publisher: iFly Developer Team
- Home page: www.iflysimsoft.com
- Last updated: May 28th, 2015