2d sprite animation editor in Title/Summary

Sprite Sheet Editor
Using Sprite Sheet Editor, any 2D game developer or designer can define rectangular frames of animation for a game sprite using the editor and save them in an open, human readable, easy-to-access XML format. This program requires the installation of .NET Framework 3.5.
- Publisher: MadKowStudios
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Gamedev Animation Studio
Gamedev Animation Studio is a simple, easy-to-use yet flexible and powerful sprite animation tool with reasonable pricing. A perfect tool to satisfy common needs of a typical indie game developer. With it, you can concentrate on core ideas of your game, committing the technical part of animation to Gamedev Animation Studio.
- Publisher: Patagames Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Ascii Art Editor
Aewan Ascii Art Editor is a multi-layered ascii-art/animation editor that produces both stand-alone cat-able art files and an easy-to-parse format for integration in your terminal applications. Nonetheless, this is a great application that I strongly recommend.
- Publisher: btakahashi
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008
2d sprite animation editor in Description

OPTPiX SpriteStudio
OPTPiX SpriteStudio is a 2D sprite animation data creation tool. This app reduces the time to create sprite animation data and significantly improves production efficiency. Unity, Cocos2d-x, CoronaSDK, Unreal Engine 4, and various other game engines for consumer game devices and smart phones (iOS/Android) are supported.
- Publisher: web technology Corp.
- Home page: www.webtech.co.jp
- Last updated: June 24th, 2015

AniSprite is a sprite animation library for Microsoft Windows. The AniSprite library is fast and has advanced features, like semi-transparent masks, alpha-channel mixing and automatic hit testing (collision detection), integration with frame animatio...
- Publisher: ITB CompuPhase
- Home page: www.compuphase.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2009

RayComposer Designer's Edition
The programmer provides a user interface similar to a lighting console for moving lights. Firstyou set up the fixtures which are present in your lighting setup. Then you can create a look usingthe programmer. The contents of the programmer can then be added to a cue list. Cue lists canbe used in the timeline to synchronize lighting to your laser show.
- Publisher: RayComposer - Robin Adams
- Home page: www.raycomposer.de
- Last updated: November 28th, 2017

Free Online Flipbook Software
To attract visitors and readers to your online digital publications, you should maximize your effort for search engine optimization. However, how to make them read through your publication and increase conversion rate is another challenge facing you.
- Publisher: FlashFlipBook3D Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: fliphtml5.com
- Last updated: May 13th, 2014

SkypeAnime will allow you to use animated avatars in Skype. Skype does not support the use of animated GIFs as avatars by default. This program fools Skype by changing the avatar repeatedly, a frame at a time. As they are displayed in sequence, everyone will see your avatar as a movie.
- Publisher: Maxim Harizanov
- Home page: skypeanime.blogspot.com
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2008
Additional 2d sprite animation editor selection

VideoPad Video Editor
VideoPad Master's Edition for Windows allows you to create and edit videos from many different formats including avi, wmv, .3gp, wmv, divx and more. Easily create great looking videos or movies quickly with the intuitive user interface.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nchsoftware.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

QAvimator is a BVH character animation editor created for use with Second Life. The program allows you to edit your avatar, you can choose a female or a male character, configure parts of the body, rotate the animation on a X, Y and Z scale and adjust the size of your character.
- Publisher: QAvimator Team
- Home page: qavimator.bitbucket.io
- Last updated: August 26th, 2022

WinGraphic is a very powerful image processor with an image editor, an animated gif image creator, an image converter and a thumbnail creator. All these tools give you everything you may need to play with your images. The program supports all the popular image formats including GIF, JPG, BMP, TIFF, TGA and many others.
- Publisher: Neomesh Microsystems
- Last updated: May 1st, 2008

DaVinci Studio
DaVinci program has a data binding framework to aid mapping between data and UI. Also includes data source widgets to access remote data and manage them. Includes a tool chain of everything you will need for web application development: Data Binding Editor, N-Screen Editor, CSS3 Animation Editor, etc.
- Publisher: Davinci Software Lab. Inc.
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2014

FlashGen.Com - Sprite Sheet Maker
This tool allows you to easily create sprite sheets from separate images ready for inclusion in your chosen game sprite animation system. Add sequence of images and combine in to single sprite sheet (exports as PNG) and haves ability to remove or reorder each image in the sheet
- Publisher: Flashgen
- Last updated: October 21st, 2011

The first game created from the ground up with the Unreal Development Kit. Whizzle is a vertical scrolling puzzle game set deep under the sea that demonstrates how to take advantage of UDK’s particle effects, physics system, animation editor and more. You can even check out the source code and see how Whizzle was created!
- Publisher: Psyonix Studios, Inc
- Last updated: November 12th, 2009

Uninstall LightShow Pro
With this program, you can create an incredibly choreographed light show, synchronizing lights and devices to sound and video, easy and fast! With industry leading features and un-paralleled hardware compatibility, you dont need to be an expert to start building a great synchronized or interactive show!
- Publisher: GraphXPros
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Programming tool for monochrome grayscale, and color GLCD C code array generator, Animation Editor, ANSI and Unifont Font editor Support for monochrome and 2,4 and 5bpp grayscale (2,16,32 gray levels) GLCD Support of 6,256 4096, 65K and 16M Color
- Publisher: Bitmap2LCD
- Home page: bitmap2lcd.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Photo Notifier and Animation Creator
Photo Notifier and Animation Creator is a simple application that allows you to create animations and notifiers using your own photos. Note that this application will only work if you have IncrediMail installed on your computer. IncrediMaIl already comes with notifiers and animations, but with this application you can create your own personalized ones with your face.
- Publisher: IncrediMail Ltd.
- Last updated: September 7th, 2011

TimelineFX Editor
The TimelineFX Particle Editor is a complete solution for creating a full range of particle effects for your games and applications. Export the particle effects as static animations onto sprite sheets, animation strips or image sequences.
- Publisher: RigzSoft.co.uk
- Home page: www.rigzsoft.co.uk
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020