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3com device manager windows 7 in Title/Summary

3Com Device Manager

3Com Device Manager

Device Manager for Solaris provides a graphical way to view, monitor and configure 3Com Switches and Routers.rnThe default user is admin with a password of admin. The admin user can create other users.rnIt is recommended that the default admin password is modified the first time the admin user logs on.

  • Publisher: Huawei-3Com
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2013
Windows Phone Device Manager

Windows Phone Device Manager

Windows Phone Device Manager is an application that allows you to manage your Windows Phone device from your PC. You can sync files, view, install and uninstall side-loaded applications, explore devices and easily transfer data. It is compatible with all Windows Phone devices and can detect and connect to your phone via wireless connection.

  • Publisher: Julien Schapman
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2012
ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus

ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus

ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus is an Enterprise Mobile Device Management (MDM) software to manage your iOS, Android and Windows phones. With features like blacklisting and white listing of apps, Mobile Device Manager Plus helps you to customize the criteria that could filter apps and ensure that regulated apps can access the data they need.

3com device manager windows 7 in Description

Portlock Device Manager

Portlock Device Manager

Portlock Device Manager is a system utility that retrieves comprehensive information about the devices and drivers installed on your Windows system, organizing them for you on a hierarchical way. Moreover, it also allows you to send that information to Portlock (the tool's developer) via e-mail or direct upload, in order to enrich their database and help other people find the appropriate drivers.

  • Publisher: Portlock Corporation
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009
Device Remover

Device Remover

Device Remover 0.9.3456.17537 is a device manager for Windows. This is perhaps the definitive device manager. It has all that both the novice and the experienced user can ever want. The first thing you will notice when you start this application is that it takes a while to load. This is because it carries out an extensive scan of your system every single time.

  • Publisher: Kerem Gümrükcü
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


3CServer is a TFTP and FTP server and client from 3Com for Microsoft Windows operating systems. For 3CServer version 1.1, the default settings can allow "anonymous" login which can be used to exploit multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities in the FTP commands supported.

  • Publisher: 3Com
  • Home page: www.mtmnet.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008


iObit’s iFreeUp is a small and attractive – yet highly efficient – iOS device manager that will help you keep your iPod Touch, iPad, or iPhone free from unnecessary junk files and running smoothly. Freeing up space from your device storage capacity is iFreeUp’s main aim, but it is also capable of boosting up its performance and launch speed by getting rid of crash and system logs.

RecImg Manager

RecImg Manager

RecImg Manager is a new way for users to restore and reinstall their entire Windows 8 Operating system and software in minutes without losing personal documents or files. RecImg Manager will work on any Intel-based device running Windows 8.RecImg Manager backs up core operating system files, as well as installed software. This creates a smaller disk image than current solutions.

  • Publisher: Slimware Utilities, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional 3com device manager windows 7 selection

Motorola Device Manager

Motorola Device Manager

Motorola Device Manager contains USB drivers and software to connect your Motorola phone or tablet to your computer using a USB cable. For certain Android-powered devices, Motorola Device Manager can also update your software. Mac (Mac OS 10.5+) and Windows (XP+) versions of the app available to download.

GoGear Device Manager

GoGear Device Manager

GoGear Device Manager 2.6

  • Publisher: Philips
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2008
iPOLiS Device Manager

iPOLiS Device Manager

The Samsung iPOLiS Device Manager is a custom program that helps the user to manage multiple IP network devices. This program discovers the Samsung cameras on the network and easily allows the user to modify their IP addresses. The iPolis Manager also lets the user make templates, or groups to maximize programming capabilities on large installations.

  • Publisher: Samsung Techwin
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2013
Java Device Manager

Java Device Manager

Java Device Manager is a Java based network management program that visualizes the network topology map and equipment. Java Device Manager makes complex configurations very easy by allowing the user to point and click to change one or many configuration parameters that otherwise requires many command line entries.

  • Publisher: Avaya Inc.
  • Home page: support.avaya.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012
Device Manager GoGear SA5MXX

Device Manager GoGear SA5MXX

GoGear SA5MXX Device Manager is a free program that allows you to get firmware updates and recover the SA5MXX04KF/37 player. The program enables you to check, download, and install the latest firmware updates for your MP3 player device. You can also reset the player to the default settings.

  • Publisher: Koninklijke Philips N.V
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2013
Storage Device Manager

Storage Device Manager

The Storage Device Manager Utility is used for HDD Management in the C7000/C9000 series of printers. This utility can be used to manage fonts, forms, and macros that are stored on the printers HDD. Storage Device Manager (SDM) lets you manage: - The optional 20 GB internal hard disk drive. - The printer’s built-in 2 MB flash memory.

  • Publisher: Oki Data Americas, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 17th, 2010
SA52xx Device Manager

SA52xx Device Manager

Philips Device Manager is a free software tool that allows you to checks for firmware updates that are available on the Internet.This application is easy to install, easy to use and allows you to get the latest firmware so you can be up to date and take advantage of the latest improvements.

  • Publisher: Philips
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2008
True Launch Bar Device Manager plugin

True Launch Bar Device Manager plugin

Device Manager plugin shows all your installed hardware as the menu. If you have administrative privileges you can stop or start devices. The application features: - manage display adapters. - manage Floppy disk controllers. - manage human interface devices.

  • Publisher: Tordex
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2013
TruVision Device Manager

TruVision Device Manager

The TruVision Device Manager is a convenient utility software for use with Interlogix TruVision IP cameras and recorders. The software provides an easy method of searching active online IP devices within a subnet without knowing the device’s IP address. Once the device is found on the network by the software, a user can easily configure network setting parameters.

  • Publisher: United Technologies Corporation
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2019
Wisenet Device Manager

Wisenet Device Manager

The Wisenet Device Manager is a custom program that helps the user to manage multiple IP network devices. This program discovers the Hanwha cameras on the network and easily allows the user to modify their IP addresses. The Wisenet Device Manager also lets the user make templates.

  • Publisher: Hanwha Techwin America
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016