3d compass clock wallpaper desktop in Title/Summary

Shamrock Clock Wallpaper
Did you ever think of nice-looking clock on your desktop? ClockWallpaper - desktop clock and wallpaper for your Desktop. When started, ClockWallpaper changes wallpaper on yours Desktop on wallpaper with clock, you always can see current time, and if necessary alarm system will prevent you from forgetting time.
- Publisher: FreeStone Group

Sun Compass-Clock
Sun Compass-Clock can help you to accurately calculate either the current time, or your current latitude or a true north bearing (or any other bearing by extension) .All that is required is that you know any two of the three and that you have an accurate Sun Compass/Clock diagram to work from
- Publisher: chris molloy
- Home page: chrismolloy.com
- Last updated: November 1st, 2011

Gaia Wallpaper Desktop
This wallpaper manager offers intelligent desktop management and cool wallpaper effects. Customize your wallpapers per category. User-friendly interface with personalized advanced features. Enhance your desktop by adding life to your wallpapers.
- Publisher: Gaia Dream Creation Inc.
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
3d compass clock wallpaper desktop in Description

Clock WallPaper is a nice clock on your desktop, very easy to use. Clock Wallpaper is an active desktop based clock, and it is not flash based. This is not a window on the desktop, it serves as your actual desktop. This program consists of Clock and Wallpaper for the Desktop.
- Publisher: FreeStone Group
- Home page: freestone-group.com
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

Sky Clock
Sky Clock is a beautilful clock wallpaper available ar 7art-screensavers.com. It is ideal for those who want to change the traditional, dull screensavers and decorate their desktops with beautiful designs, bright colors, and peaceful sceneries. Apart from its colorful, original designs, and heavenly environment, this wallpaper is a fantastic clock that shows the exact time plus the calendar.
- Publisher: 7art-screensavers.com SoftWare Development Studio
- Home page: www.clock-desktop.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2008

Compass has been a popular and powerful bookmark manager program since its first release in January, 1997. It supports three most popular browsers - Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera. Plus, it can launch any system specified generic browsers.
- Publisher: Softgauge.com
- Last updated: October 19th, 2023

In Colclocks3 it is displayed a clock from ancient Rome. A very simple clock with roman number and long clock pins. Above the clock it is displayed the current date in format day,month,year.The clock is surrounded by beautiful statues of angels. Enjoy it!
- Publisher: ColClocks
- Home page: www.colclocks.com
- Last updated: July 9th, 2010

Royal Wedding Countdown Clock
Portable or Windows native - choose to install clock as a Windows installation in Program Files or as a Portable App. When the event approaches, the clock will play a celebratory animation with rings, swans and beautiful piano version of Mendelsons wedding march. After the event, clock will count up the time passed since the wedding.
- Publisher: MicroInvention Ltd.
- Home page: www.crossgl.com
- Last updated: December 20th, 2010
Additional 3d compass clock wallpaper desktop selection

Free Desktop Clock
Free Desktop Clock is a very easy to use application developed to replace the standard Windows clock, while also offering a bunch of tools to enhance the whole experience. Free Desktop Clock dolls up the standard digital display with a handful of skins and shows the current date and day.
- Publisher: Drive Software Company
- Home page: drive-software.com
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2010

Starfield Desktop Wallpaper
Animated Desktop Wallpaper Starfield is an astronomy themed desktop background for Windows PCs that gives off the effect of a starry night sky.One nice thing about Animated Desktop Wallpaper Starfield is that you can change the underlying wallpaper while keeping the star animations. This allows you to create virtually endless combinations of desktop backgrounds with your animated stars.
- Publisher: Artdock
- Home page: www.artdocks.com
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017

Animated Wallpaper - Snowy Desktop 3D
This animated wallpaper and screensaver combo lets you have a winter image in your desktop regardless of the actual season of the year. It shows snowflakes falling from above and covering your desktop's wallpaper. If you use the screensaver function, you can choose among 10 different background images over which the animated effect will show.
- Publisher: PUSH Entertainment
- Home page: www.animated-wallpaper.com
- Last updated: May 30th, 2017

Chameleon Clock
Chameleon Clock is a very nice clock for Windows. It can be minimized to the icon, so it allows you to control everything from your system tray. It is highly customizable and includes additional things, apart from the system tray clock, like a clock wallpaper and screensaver.
- Publisher: Softshape
- Last updated: October 26th, 2009

Premium Clock
This app is designed to help you customize your desktop with beautiful and exquisite clock-related wallpapers. It provides multiple high-quality skins that bring a fresh and elegant look to your computer screen. The program consists of an analog clock that works as a desktop wallpaper, a digital clock in the shape of a stylish replica of the system tray clock, and a calendar for date orientation.
- Publisher: UpClock Software
- Home page: premiumclock.com
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2012

Animated Wallpaper Maker
Animated Wallpaper Maker could not have a more descriptive name. As you could have guessed, this tool is intended to make your computer desktop livelier by using an animated wallpaper. The program certainly has a lot of features that require some time to explore; however, it will not be long until you are creating your own wallpaper.
- Publisher: DesktopPaints LLC
- Home page: www.desktoppaints.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Desktop Clock-7
The program uses color scheme of OS Windows. You can resize or move the clock anywhere, hide or show it using system tray icon. Desktop Clock-7 is program that displays the current time, date, day of the week on desktop window. This is a free software, so everybody can use it.
- Publisher: Style-7
- Home page: www.styleseven.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2014

Water Drop Desktop Wallpaper
Animated Desktop Wallpaper Water Drop is a very simple wallpaper that adds water drops to your desktop that fall from your screen gradually as if they were real. The program will sit on your system tray, allowing you to disable it from there. As the water drops reach the bottom, new ones are added, which descend slowly along the screen while you are working.
- Publisher: Artdocks
- Home page: www.artdocks.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2012

Crave World Clock Pro
This piece of software allows you to keep track of current time around the world. The time is shown on a world map with several major cities. If you need to find the current time in a different zone or city, just hover your mouse over the desired zone and the program shows you the current time.
- Publisher: Reflection Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2012

BioniX Wallpaper Changer
BioniX Wallpaper Changer can get hundreds of background images from the Internet and switch your desktop wallpaper at specified intervals. Using this program, you can easily create thematic playlists, filter unwanted images, sort wallpapers by file size/resolution/name/rating, rename or delete wallpapers directly from playlist, edit wallpapers, etc.
- Publisher: Bionix Wallpaper
- Last updated: November 7th, 2018