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3d world generator fractal in Title/Summary

Fractal Snowflake Generator

Fractal Snowflake Generator

Freeware utility to easily create beautiful fractal snowflakes, patterns and backgrounds. The resulting images can be saved at the desired resolution to 24-bit Windows Bitmap (.BMP) files.

  • Publisher: A.I.Studio
  • Home page: a-i-studio.com
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2008
Automatic Fractal Map Generator

Automatic Fractal Map Generator

The program generates and manages .map files.

  • Publisher: Società Anonima
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2009
World Clearance Generator

World Clearance Generator

The WCG is an application that generates clearances for aircraft which fly on the IVAO network. To generate the SID and the squawk codes, it uses databases. These databases are located in particular folders and contain all the data needed for generating the clearance. The WCG downloads these databases automatically from the server.

  • Publisher: Jasper Bussemaker
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2011

3d world generator fractal in Description

jalada Fractual for Windows

jalada Fractual for Windows

jalada Fractual is your program to generate fractal images. It generates color images of the most popular fractal - the Mandelbrot set - and also generates images of the associated Julia sets.

  • Publisher: jalada GmbH
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2013
jalada Fractual

jalada Fractual

Jalada Fractual is a program that allows users to design amazing visualizations and images by using fractal geometry. It introduces its users to the world of fractal geometry by generating high-quality images and 3D scenes. By changing different colors and effects, users will be able to make 3D fractal images using real-time navigation.

  • Publisher: jalada GmbH
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


FractalNow is an open source, multi-platform fractal generator. It provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily. It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and a graphical tool (QFractalNow). The graphical tool, based on Qt library, allows users to explore fractals intuitively and generate pictures.

  • Publisher: Marc Pegon
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2013


Fraqtive is an innovative open-source program that will let you generate fractals in a simple way. For those who don't know, fractals are complex, detailed geometric patterns created using mathematical formulas, wherein every part resembles the whole structure in an infinite self-repetitive manner. Some fractals can be found in the natural world: for example, in clouds, plants, snowflakes, etc.

Ultra Fractal

Ultra Fractal

Ultra Fractal is a tool to create fractal art, by which images are created by repeated fractal formula calculations. These formulas are mathematical indeed, but the resulting pictures are beautiful and complex. You can create your own fractals, change the colors, add layers, use masks, and even create animations using this software.

Additional 3d world generator fractal selection



Sterling is a software tool designed as a fractal-generating program. Sterling provides an entire set of formulas (over 50), which lets you generate all kind of fractals. You should be able to make interesting fractals using any of the 50 formulas available.

  • Publisher: Stephen C. Ferguson
  • Home page: soler7.com


ChaosPro is an interesting application that will be really appreciated by fractals' enthusiasts. Some may say that a program of this kind comes without real purposes, but ChaosPro can be used in a large number of fields. Mathematicians or meta-physicists who study fractals will be impressed by all the features included in this application.

  • Publisher: Martin Pfingstl
  • Home page: www.chaospro.de
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2011
World Machine

World Machine

World Machine is a flexible and powerful solution for the creation of virtual landscapes and realistic 3D terrain. Powerful and flexible, you can export the results as heightfield, textures, and meshes. Whether you're a veteran development team or a lone-wolf independent artist, World Machine is for you.

World of Tanks

World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy.

  • Publisher: Wargaming
  • Home page: wargaming.net
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2018
Need For Speed™ World

Need For Speed™ World

Racing in Need for Speed World is the heartbeat of the game. It's where you take part in a Multiplayer Race, test yourself against the best racers in the world or compete against the AI in a Single-Player Race. The Race events you can take part in are determined by your driver level.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2020
SolarWinds Network Config Generator

SolarWinds Network Config Generator

Configuring VLANs and other advanced services can be tedious and time consuming. Who really has time to go online and research network configuration settings or crack open a manual?Now there’s a faster and easier way to squeeze more performance and value out of your network by activating the device capabilities you’ve already paid for!

  • Publisher: SolarWinds
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2010
World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where players create characters and explore a vast virtual world filled with quests, dungeons, and other players. You can choose from different races and classes, such as humans, elves, orcs, warriors, mages, and more.

Microsoft Visual Basic

Microsoft Visual Basic

Visual Studio is extensible by nature, ultimately consisting of a core "shell" that implements all commands, windows, editors, project types, languages, and other features through dynamically loadable modules called "packages".[19][20] Microsoft encourages and fosters third party partners to create modules for Visual Studio via the free VSIP program. However, according to Dan Fernandez, Microsoft "made a business decision to not allow 3rd party extensibility in Express".

Need for Speed Undercover

Need for Speed Undercover

Need for Speed Undercover is the latest NFS game to arrive for Windows. The series is achieving to improve upon itself, and it has been here for a long time now. The game is just not what it used to be. So with Undercover, they tried to go back to its origins. The game now has cut-scenes and a plot. You are an undercover agent.

World of Goo

World of Goo

World of Goo is a puzzle game developed by 2D Boy. Many viscous droplets are dispersed through the world and you have to recover them from wherever they are. Under this premise is presented this peculiar World of Goo, an original game of wits controlled by the mouse.

  • Publisher: 2D Boy
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2011