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3rd coast nerds in Title/Summary

Chief-3rd Engineer

Chief-3rd Engineer

Chief-3rd Engineer contains a full set of United States Coast Guard exam questions and illustrations for the unlimited tonnage and horsepower engineer licenses. Update utility provides question, help and reference updates for one year, to ensure you have the latest materials.

  • Publisher: Freelance Software
  • Home page: hawsepipe.net
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2011
The Nerds

The Nerds

A well designed canon based physics puzzle game. Use the super hero's super powers to save their pets which have beeing captured by the evil robots. Every level can be acomplished with 1 or 2 shots max so choose your hero wizely.

  • Publisher: ePlaybus.com
  • Home page: www.eplaybus.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
On Your Own Coast-to-Coast

On Your Own Coast-to-Coast

In the newest version of OYO, your students will have a "real" opportunity to live on their own in any of twelve communities from coast-to-coast.They'll learn what it's like to live on a budget and practice the financial skills needed to be independent and make real-life decisions.

  • Publisher: C. W. Publications
  • Home page: www.cwpub.com
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2010

3rd coast nerds in Description



DSCdecoder allows you to use your PC and soundcard to decode maritime mobile service messages using the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) system and also DGPS and Navtex broadcasts. DSC signalling is used in the MF, HF and VHF bands for distress and calling between ships and coast stations.

  • Publisher: COAA
  • Home page: www.coaa.co.uk
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2013
Source SDK Base

Source SDK Base

Source SDK Base 2007 is a tool, shared between all owners of Valve Source games and locked to a particular engine branch, on which modders can base their projects.

Skyscrapers Coast Screensaver

Skyscrapers Coast Screensaver

Skyscrapers Coast is a screensaver with a lovely view of a city by the coast. The screensaver shows a city with huge skyscrapers and other small buildings by the coast. The sky is clear and the water of the sea has movement and produces sounds, which makes the scene much more realistic and relaxing.

  • Publisher: ScreenSaversList
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2011
Bratz - 4 Real

Bratz - 4 Real

Bratz - 4 Real is a fantastic game based on the movie. in which you have to to help Bratz unite the different cliques (Goths, Jocks, Punks, Nerds, etc.) of the Carry Nation High School and free students from the system created by a girl called Meredith, head of the school.

  • Publisher: ValuSoft
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast is sort of an add-on for Half Life 2. This is actually an additional level that didn't make the cut when Half Life 2 was released. After a year, the developers came up with new technologies that they wanted to try before releasing Episode 2 of HL2. Thus, they released this game as a download for owners of the Windows game.

Additional 3rd coast nerds selection

Coast Bike

Coast Bike

Coast Bike is a continuation of a famous biking game Nuclear Motocross. It's an adventure game that offers you the possibility to take a race and develop your sports skills. You can make biking racings in a virtual space created with beatifull graphics and designs.

  • Publisher: Free Game Pick
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2010
Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich

Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich

Nuclear Winter steals Time Master's inert body and uses it to steal nuclear missiles from the Cuban missile crisis in an effort to start a nuclear war between the United States and the USSR. Freedom Force foils his plot, but on the return trip, the timeline changes and Freedom Force finds that the Axis powers achieved victory in World War II.

  • Publisher: Freedom Force Properties LLC.
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2022
3rd Space Game Driver

3rd Space Game Driver

The 3RD Space Game Driver is designed to add vest effects to your gameplay. The vest uses eight trademarked "contact points" that simulate gunfire, body slams or G-forces associated with race car driving. This free program has an easy-to-use interface.

  • Publisher: TN Games
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2015
Ocean Coast Theme

Ocean Coast Theme

Many mobile devices have option to change theme of it's operating system (Windows Mobile). The mobile themes for mobile devices are designed and tested for Pocket PC, PDA and cell phones which operate with Microsoft Operating Systems designed for mobile devices.

  • Publisher: Soft2D
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2008
3rd Generation Moving Average Indicator

3rd Generation Moving Average Indicator

3rd Generation Moving Average is a free-to-use extension for a MetaTrader platform. Main features: - Moving Averages based on the Nyquist-Shannon Signal Theorem. - Mathematically suggested to have the least possible lag. - Moving averages are supposed to "smooth" data and to remove noise and useless information.

  • Publisher: Scientific-Trading
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2016
Intel USB eXtensible Host Controller Driver

Intel USB eXtensible Host Controller Driver

This driver contains support for the following Intel® Chipsets and Intel® Processors

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2015
Sea of Lies: Burning Coast Collector's Edition

Sea of Lies: Burning Coast Collector's Edition

Sea of Lies: Burning Coast Collector's Edition is a hidden object game.The Collector's Edition includes: - Trail a dangerous new villain in the bonus game. - Find souvenirs and collectibles. - Purchase items in the Treasure Room. - Soundtracks, wallpapers, and concept art. - A comprehensive Strategy Guide.

SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Sample Run-Time Environment

SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Sample Run-Time Environment

Robust exception and error handling has not been included in this sample code, nor have performance optimizations been considered. Specifically, it was developed in order to provide an example of the SCORM Run-Time Environment (Application Programming Interface (API) and Data Model) and SCORM Sequencing and Navigation as they might be applied in a Learning Management System (LMS) environment.

  • Publisher: Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2008
Epson Software Updater

Epson Software Updater

Epson Software Updater is a free-to-use application that allows you to update Epson software as well as download 3rd party applications. It has an intuitive interface. Note: Your Epson product must be turned on and connected to a computer with Internet access.

  • Publisher: Epson America, Inc
  • Home page: epson.com
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2022


SpyHunter is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application certified by West Coast Labs’ Checkmark Certification System and designed to assist the average computer user in protecting their PC from malicious threats. SpyHunter is automatically configured to give you optimal protection with limited interaction, so all you need to do is install it for immediate and ongoing protection.

  • Publisher: Enigma Software Group, Inc.
  • Home page: www.spyhunter.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024