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4shared reliasoft s weibull in Title/Summary

ReliaSoft Weibull++ MT

ReliaSoft Weibull++ MT

Weibull++ 6 MT is a special industry-specific version of ReliaSoft's Weibull++ life data analysis software, designed to meet the needs of the machine tool supplier community. Weibull++ MT is designed to speed up and simplify the extremely cumbersome and error-prone process of translating and analyzing data from equipment downtime logs.

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.reliasoft.com
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2011


ReliaSoft's Weibull++ software tool is the industry standard in life data analysis (Weibull analysis) for thousands of companies worldwide. The software performs life data analysis utilizing multiple lifetime distributions (including all forms of the Weibull distribution), with a clear and concise interface geared toward reliability engineering.

4shared Desktop

4shared Desktop

4shared Desktop is a client for the homonymous file-sharing network. Thus, its main purpose is allowing you to share files with other users. Consequently, it supports two main operations: uploading and downloading. The program can be set to start automatically with Windows and stay hidden in the System Tray. In order to start a session, you should provide your 4shared user name and password.

  • Publisher: 4shared
  • Home page: www.4shared.com
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2020

4shared reliasoft s weibull in Description



StatAssist displays graphs and related properties of more than 40 probability distributions. It calculates statistical moments, quantiles, and tail probabilities depending on the distribution parameters specified by the user.

  • Publisher: MathWave Technologies
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2010
Weibull Analysis

Weibull Analysis

Weibull analysis is a powerful tool that can be used to classify failures and to model failure behavior. Weibull analysis involves fitting a time to fail distribution to failure data. There are several methods for doing this, and the software provides 4 methods: Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), Probability plotting, Hazard plotting, and Modified moment estimation.

ReliaSoft Synthesis

ReliaSoft Synthesis

ReliaSoft Synthesis is an integrated reliability platform that can unite any or all of ReliaSoft's reliability engineering applications into an easy-to-deploy, enterprise-capable, integrated reliability solution. You can use the Synthesis Platform to facilitate collaboration between subject matter experts, fluidly share information between different reliability activities and more.

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2016


With this download manager you will enjoy comfortable features when it comes to downloading files by avoiding host sites inconveniences. Mipony is in charge of everything, it accesses the web where the file is hosted, it waits the required time and starts downloading them one by one.

  • Publisher: Mipony
  • Home page: www.mipony.net
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2023
Air Explorer

Air Explorer

Air Explorer is intended for accessing multiple Cloud accounts from a single program. In this regard, the tool supports connecting to various online storage services. Moreover, it is compatible with WebDav and FTP, which means you can connect to many other servers based on these protocols. Finally, it is good that you can open various accounts on the same server.

Additional 4shared reliasoft s weibull selection

ReliaSoft ALTA

ReliaSoft ALTA

Quantitative accelerated life testing techniques in conjunction with powerful QALT data analysis methodologies give design and reliability engineers the power to significantly reduce test times, which can provide faster time to market, lower product development costs, lower warranty costs and other benefits!

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.reliasoft.com
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2012
ReliaSoft BlockSim

ReliaSoft BlockSim

ReliaSoft’s BlockSim software tool provides a comprehensive platform for system reliability, availability, maintainability and related analyses. The software offers a sophisticated graphical interface that allows you to model the simplest or most complex systems and processes using reliability block diagrams (RBDs) or fault tree analysis (FTA) — or a combination of both approaches!

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2011
Save to 4shared

Save to 4shared

"Save to 4shared" is a useful extension that saves your time. Save any file you found on the web directly to your 4shared account in just 2 clicks. It is as easy as downloading to your computer. You just have to right click the image and select save to 4shared.

  • Publisher: 4shared.com
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2017
ReliaSoft Xfmea

ReliaSoft Xfmea

ReliaSoft’s Xfmea software tool facilitates data management and reporting for all types of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis — FMEA — and Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis — FMECA. Xfmea provides centralized data storage to make it easy for multiple users to cooperate on FMEA projects.

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.reliasoft.com
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2012
ReliaSoft DOE++

ReliaSoft DOE++

DOE++ facilitates traditional Design of Experiments ( DOE ) techniques for studying the factors that may affect a product or process in order to identify significant factors and optimize designs. The software also expands upon standard methods to provide the proper analysis treatment for interval and right censored data — offering a major breakthrough for reliability-related analyses!

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: doe.reliasoft.com
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2011
ReliaSoft RGA

ReliaSoft RGA

ReliaSoft RGA is a powerful application that allows you to apply reliability growth models to analyze data from both developmental testing and fielded repairable systems. It allows you to quantify the reliability growth achieved with each successive design prototype and also provides advanced methods for reliability growth projections, planning and management.

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.reliasoft.com
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2013
ReliaSoft RENO

ReliaSoft RENO

ReliaSoft RENO is a powerful and user-friendly platform for building and running complex analyses for any probabilistic or deterministic scenario using an intuitive flowchart modeling approach and simulation. You can create flowchart models for complex reliability analyses, risk and safety analyses, decision making or maintenance planning.

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
ReliaSoft RCM++

ReliaSoft RCM++

ReliaSoft’s RCM++ software tool facilitates the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis approach for creating scheduled maintenance plans, which is an important aspect of an effective asset management program. The software provides support for the major industry RCM standards (such as ATA MSG-3, SAE JA1011 and SAE JA1012).

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.reliasoft.com
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2012
ReliaSoft Lambda Predict

ReliaSoft Lambda Predict

The software provides a complete array of calculated results for your analyses (failure rate predictions, MTBF predictions, etc.) along with graphical charts and customizable reports. Lambda Predict offers a full set of supporting tools, including a reliability allocation utility, derating analysis and the ability to transfer and manage your data via flexible import/export utilities.

  • Publisher: ReliaSoft Corporation
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2012


EasyFit allows to automatically or manually fit a large number of distributions to your data and select the best model in seconds. It can be used as a stand-alone application or with Microsoft Excel, enabling you to solve a wide range of business problems with only a basic knowledge of statistics.

  • Publisher: MathWave Technologies
  • Last updated: July 14th, 2012