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8051 sublime text in Title/Summary

Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. It's incredibly simple to start using, and the more you learn about it, the more efficient your coding will become. Things like multiple selection and find in files make writing and maintaining code a breeze!

Sublime Text

Sublime Text

The auto complete engine has been rewritten to provide smart completions based on existing code in a project. Suggestions are also augmented with info about their kind, and provide links to definitions. Sublime Text can now utilize your GPU on Linux, Mac and Windows when rendering the interface.



Sublime is a user friendly Subversion server for Windows that makes using and managing Subversion a breeze! Sublime installs in minutes and includes a web-based interface, allowing easy access for your entire development team. Users manage their own repositories through an easy to use web interface.

8051 sublime text in Description

mikroPascal PRO for 8051

mikroPascal PRO for 8051

mikroPascal PRO for 8051 is a full-featured Pascal compiler for 8051 devices from Atmel® and Sillicon Labs®. Pascal is a popular programming language that encapsulates strong data types, very nice syntax, and has probably the best balance between simplicity and control.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2011


MIDE-51 is freeware Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for MCS-51 microcontroller. The full package already comes with: Assembler, SDCC: Small Device C Compiler, TS Controls 8051 Emulator, JSIM-51 Simulator. SDCC is a freeware, retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based MCUs.

  • Publisher: OpCUBE
  • Home page: www.opcube.com
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2011


Key Benefits: -Structured BASIC with labels. -Structured programming with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF, DO-LOOP, WHILE-WEND, SELECT- CASE. -Fast machine code instead of interpreted code. -Variables and labels can be as long as 32 characters. -Bit, Byte, Integer, Word, Long, Single and String variables.

  • Publisher: MCS Electronics
  • Home page: www.mcselec.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2008
mikroBasic PRO for 8051

mikroBasic PRO for 8051

mikroBasic PRO for 8051 is a comprehensive BASIC compiler for 8051 micro-controllers developed and marketed by Atmel and Silicon Labs. 8051 based embedded applications are developed, built and debugged using this compiler as a platform. This development environment has a wide range of features such as easy-to-learn BASIC syntax, easy-to-use IDE, very compact and efficient code, etc.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2012


Specially designed menus and simulation windows allow you to quickly and easily simulate 8031/8032/87C51/87C52/89C51/89C52/8051/8052 programs, catch errors and troubleshoot bugs. Simulator2003 includes a number of useful features not seen before in available 8031/8032/87C51/87C52/89C51/89C52/8051/8052 simulators/disassemblers.

  • Publisher: FST Soft
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2008

Additional 8051 sublime text selection

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker can help you create high-quality text, 3D graphics, and logos. It comes with hundreds of templates made of eye-catching effects like reflections and deformation textures. You can also a graphic library, having thousands of SVG shapes.

Text to Speech Maker

Text to Speech Maker

People with difficulties in accessing printed text will find Text to Speech Maker an extremely simple and useful tool to convert text into audio. It uses any synthetic voice installed on your system to produce audio files in WAV, MP3, or VOX format, and reads aloud any text you paste on its main window. Its batch support will let you convert as many text files as required in one single operation.

  • Publisher: xrlly software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
e-PDF To Text Converter

e-PDF To Text Converter

e-PDF To Text Converter is a one-task conversion tool that transforms your PDF documents into editable TXT files. The program does not require you to have any Adobe product installed on your system to achieve this, and it allows you to either keep the original layout of the PDF file or to use its internal reading order to conform the text file accordingly.

Verbose Text to Speech

Verbose Text to Speech

Verbose is an easy and convenient text to speech converter that can read aloud or save spoken text to mp3 files. With Verbose text reading software, you can have Verbose read the current text on your screen out loud with the simple press of a button by setting up system-wide hotkeys.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Home page: www.nch.com.au
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2013
Text-To-VoIP Plug-in

Text-To-VoIP Plug-in

The Text-To-VoIP Plug-In for MorphVOX Pro allows you to speak over the Internet or soft-phone using customizable text-to-speech voices. This plug-in is helpful for people who cannot speak with their own voice or who would like a text alternative to communicating with voice.

Text To PDF Converter

Text To PDF Converter

Free Text To PDF Converter: plain text to PDF conversion, very simple and easy to use. PDF generated files are ready for all versions of Acrobat Reader applications. PDF documents can be protected by password with 40 or 128 bit encryption. Batch conversion operation supported. Manual operations by means of command line actions and script inclusion.

  • Publisher: VeryPDF Inc
  • Home page: www.verypdf.com
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2014
Examine32 Text Search

Examine32 Text Search

Examine32 Text Search is a fast and versatile text search utility for Windows. You can search Microsoft Word, Excel, rich text format (RTF), WordPerfect, PDF (Acrobat files), HTML (web pages), XML, StarOffice, OpenOffice and Lotus Symphony files, search files within ZIP archives and return a list of findings with file details, the selection highlighted in context, and line number.

  • Publisher: Aquila Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2013
A-PDF Text Extractor

A-PDF Text Extractor

A-PDF Text Extractor is an extremely easy-to-use application which aims to extract text from Adobe PDF files. Once the process is over, the result can be used for further editing. There are no complex settings or complicated tasks to perform; you just select the file intended for text extraction and press the proper button to execute the chosen activity.

  • Publisher: A-PDF.com
  • Home page: www.a-pdf.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023


PDF to Text is used to quickly convert PDF documents to plain text files in batch mode. It works without Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and has Command Line Interface (CLI), fast and accurate conversion ability, friendly GUI, small size.



The 8051 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) combines a text editor, assembler and software simulator into a single program. All components needed to develop 8051 programs (and its various derivatives) available and controllable from this single IDE.

  • Publisher: AceBus
  • Home page: www.acebus.com
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2009