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9625 power measurement support software in Title/Summary

C55 Low Power Chip Support Library

C55 Low Power Chip Support Library

The purpose of this release is to fix the known bugs and make the CSL more reliable and more efficient in the Chip Support Library software package. This version has beem teste on Code Composer Studio version 3.3 and Code Composer Studio version 4.1. The CSL release package contains a wide number of modules

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
  • Home page: www.ti.com
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2011
SoftPlot +Plus+ Measurement Management Software

SoftPlot +Plus+ Measurement Management Software

SoftPlot +Plus+ handles all your Instrument Measurements and Test Results. ftPlot +Plus+ has all the capabilities of regular SoftPlot, combined with extra functionality. Regular SoftPlot has 16 stores, but with 100 stores it is possible to characterise 10-port devices, or accumulate trend data.

ZEN Support Software

ZEN Support Software

The ZEN Support Software allows you to configure and control the ZEN controller. The ZEN is a compact and highly functional controller that can be used to easily automate small-scale applications. Its development has drawn on OMRON's advanced control technology and experise in manufacturing various types of controllers.

9625 power measurement support software in Description

R&S NRPV Virtual Power Meter

R&S NRPV Virtual Power Meter

R&S NRPV Virtual Power Meter is a convenient power measurement application. The software covers all sensor functions and supports up to four sensors connected to a laptop/PC via the R&S NRP-Z3, R&S NRP-Z4 or R&S NRP-Z5 USB adapter cables.Main features: - Support of all sensor dependent measurement modes. - Sensor based keycode option R&S NRPZ-K1. - Multiple traces in one measurement window.



PowerAgent helps you analyze peak power, time in heart rate or power zones, speed and distance averages. Main features: - Compatible with all PowerTap power measurement products. - Import ride history from previous versions of PowerAgent and other software (.tcx files) to watch your strength grow over time for better results.

  • Publisher: PowerTap
  • Home page: www.powertap.com
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2017


PowerMonitor provides a robust power measurement solution for Windows Mobile powered devices. PowerMonitor can analyze the power on any device that uses a single lithium (Li) battery. Electrical engineers and software developers can utilize this tool to optimize the design and analyze the performance of their Windows Mobile powered devices.

  • Publisher: Monsoon Solutions Inc.
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2010


NFM implements the method of Agilent application notes AN 57-1 and AN 57-2 for noise figure measurement, with the addition of an adjustable attenuator after the noise source and between the DUT and instrument. NFM also incorporates a facility for true relative audio power measurement using the PC sound card, with a selectable integration time.

  • Publisher: Owen Duffy
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2012


DCTools is the DC configuration software for field technicians responsible for DC power system setup and maintenance. This unique DC configuration software is supplied by Eaton free of charge by download from the Internet and simplifies Eaton DC power system setup.

  • Publisher: Eaton Corporation
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2013

Additional 9625 power measurement support software selection

Power Consumption Measuring Software

Power Consumption Measuring Software

The new software, available for the Yokogawa WT3000, WT1800, WT1600, WT500 and WT210 analyzers, allows the user to perform measurements according to IEC62301 Ed2.0(2011): Household electrical appliances - measurement of standby power and EN 50564:2011 - Electrical and electronic household and office equipment – Measurement of low power consumption.

Winferno Registry Power Cleaner

Winferno Registry Power Cleaner

Registry errors are a common cause for slow PC performance. Tools like Winferno Registry Power Cleaner are designed to offer an effective solution for dealing with this issues. This application will scan your computer for invalid components, wrong file associations, system tools references and many other.

  • Publisher: Winferno Software
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2012
Lenovo Fingerprint Software

Lenovo Fingerprint Software

This package installs the software (Lenovo Fingerprint Software) to enable the following device : AuthenTec Inc, AES2810. The hardware is compatible with Lenovo R, T, W and X Series.

  • Publisher: AuthenTec, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2011


NetLimiter gives you full network control over your computer. You will decide where your applications are allowed to connect and how fast these connections should be.

  • Publisher: Locktime Software
  • Home page: www.netlimiter.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2024


G*Power is a tool to compute statistical power analyses for many different t tests, F tests, χ2 tests, z tests and some exact tests. G*Power can also be used to compute effect sizes and to display graphically the results of power analyses. The software also allows you to generate graphs based on the data you input.

  • Publisher: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
  • Home page: www.gpower.hhu.de
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2013
NetOp Remote Control Host

NetOp Remote Control Host

Netop Remote Control is the secure remote management and support software that enables your tech support team to provide complex remote maintenance and user support across Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris and OS/2 platforms without jeopardizing organizational security.

  • Publisher: Danware Data A/S
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2012


LiveZilla is a customer support software that connects you to your website visitors. You can use live chats / live help to get in touch with your website visitors instantly. Using a customizable online web form, your website visitors can leave you a message whenever they need your help or want to get in touch with you.

  • Publisher: LiveZilla GmbH
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2017
Drive Power Manager

Drive Power Manager

Drive Power Manager lets you manage the power consumption as well as the noise by your drives. The interface is very easy to use. As a first step, you can select the drive to manage. A first pane lets you manage drive power. The second pane will allow setting a value for noise control. Drive Power Manager is definitely a useful piece of software when you need to tweak your system’s power use.

Schneider Electric Easergy Studio

Schneider Electric Easergy Studio

Easergy Studio is an IED Support Software for setting and configuration. The program helps you deal with Easergy MiCOM Protection Relays and IEDs by providing integrated configuration and monitoring features for all Easergy MiCOM devices. It has an intuitive and versatile interface with complete substation file management facilities.

  • Publisher: Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Sunny Data Control

Sunny Data Control

The free software archives the data from the data logger long-term on the PC, evaluates and presents it visually on the monitor. A further advantage: Sunny Data Control can be configured to directly communicate with your inverter and a PC. Thus it is possible to set your system's parameters without a data logger.

  • Publisher: SMA Technologie AG
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2008