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Aard dictionary lookup in Title/Summary

Aard Dictionary

Aard Dictionary

Aard Dictionary is a free, fast, easy to use word lookup program that -looks up words fast even with huge dictionaries like English Wikipedia -looks up words in multiple dictionaries in multiple languages without switching -works great as offline Wikipedia reader -is keyboard navigation friendly

  • Publisher: Igor Tkach
  • Home page: aarddict.org
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2011


The current distribution contains in excess of 170,000 dictionary entries and a similar number of example-of-use sentences. Think of it as full-featured, PC-version of dedicated electronic dictionary device: a fast and easy way to look up both English and Japanese words and phrases.

  • Publisher: JBrute
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2010
SI Lookup

SI Lookup

Free visual IP Lookup tool for Windows. If you have a domain name, you can use one of the numerous Whois tools to determine its owner. Whois provides complete information about the owner of any domain name, up to the level of mailing addresses and telephone numbers

  • Publisher: Software Institute
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2008

Aard dictionary lookup in Description

Brainstorm Pro

Brainstorm Pro

Free Thesaurus, Dictionary, Translation, Rhyming and Writing Software. Great for blog content and SEO Keyword Research. Current languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and more! Writing, Educational & Business Software.

  • Publisher: BrainstormPro.com
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2016
Spell Check Anywhere

Spell Check Anywhere

Spell Check Anywhere is an application that adds spell check to all your programs. It supports thesaurus and dictionary in all programs, medical, legal and foreign languages. It also contains Advanced Speed Typing, HyperNotepad and English Dictionary Lookup.

IE Context Menu Toolset

IE Context Menu Toolset

IE Context Menu Toolset add some nice options to the context menu of the Internet Explorer. These tools can help a web developer or designer in debugging a web page and diagnosing problems. It is small utility which is a must for all web developers .

  • Publisher: Matt Kruse
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2008
TR Assistant

TR Assistant

TR Assistant provides searching across multiple dictionaries, encyclopedias and parallel texts and creating custom text databases with graphics. HTML support allows the program to create dictionaries and encyclopedias with great graphical layout, to embed formulas, pictures and multimedia.

  • Publisher: Victor Petrakov
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2011
ReadingBar for Internet Explorer

ReadingBar for Internet Explorer

ReadingBar for Internet Explorer - Reads any web page aloud to you. Main Features: - Highlights words in Internet Explorer - Easily creates .mp3 or .wav files from web pages - Generates text only version from any web page - Magnifies pages, text, pictures and scrollbars - Translates web pages into four languages - Dictionary lookup, add your own pronunciation

  • Publisher: ReadPlease Corporation
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Additional Aard dictionary lookup selection



The project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program. Use of WebKit for an accurate articles' representation, complete with all formatting, colors, images and links. Support of multiple dictionary file formats, namely: Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries,Dictd index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files

  • Publisher: Konstantin Isakov
  • Home page: goldendict.org
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2013
Bluefire Reader for Windows

Bluefire Reader for Windows

Bluefire Reader for Windows PCs brings the elegance of the Bluefire mobile reading experience to Windows desktop and laptop users. You can now read Adobe Content Server (ACS) protected EPUB and PDF books in an application that’s designed for immersive onscreen reading—with all of the powerful features and customization options you’ve come to expect from Bluefire apps.

  • Publisher: Bluefire Productions, LLC
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2014
SYSTRAN Office Translator

SYSTRAN Office Translator

Designed to meet the needs of all Microsoft Office users, SYSTRAN Office Translator automatically learns new terminology so you can improve the quality of your translations. Easily translate and understand Word documents, Excel files, PowerPoint presentations, Outlook emails, and all texts. Save and reuse previous translations for future use.

  • Publisher: SYSTRAN Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.systransoft.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008


The program has a full dictionary and thesaurus for American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian, and global English. WordWeb is fully functional and free if you satisfy the licensing terms. One-click lookup in almost any Windows program. Contains hundreds of thousands of definitions and synonyms.

Shipra's Dictionary

Shipra's Dictionary

It has a great image of popularity among Indians. The reason behind its popularity is its bilingual capability. Yes, its very well know English to Hindi dictionary. You can find the Hindi meaning of any commonly used word of English from its large database of more then 22600 English words with Multiple Hindi meanings.

MADHURA Dictionary

MADHURA Dictionary

This is a great piece of software that can help you translate words and whole sentences from English to Sinhala language and vice versa. Whenever you copy a word or a sentence from a text in English it will automatically be translated to Sinhala language. This is by far the best English to Sinhala translator because it has a large number of words that cover every possible domain.

  • Publisher: Madura Kulatunga
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011


Every site needs a dictionary... for all the special terms and words which are unique to your own industry. Easy to set up and manage, your users will love having access to those hard to understand terms. This is a great way to get repeat visitors! Upload a text file with your words and definitions along with the script and soon you'll have a searchable dictionary.

  • Publisher: Jason Silver
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2017
Sheel's Dictionary

Sheel's Dictionary

This free program is a Hindi-English-Hindi dictionary. You can search for words in Hindi or English and their equivalents in the opposite language. The program can be updated by adding new words and modifying the existing ones. Also, the program is absolutely free to download and use.

Oxford English Explanatory Dictionary

Oxford English Explanatory Dictionary

The program includes the eleventh edition of The Concise Oxford English Dictionary and The Concise Oxford English Thesaurus. The dictionary contains 240,000 words, phrases, and concise definitions, with over 1,800 brand new words from Oxford's new word research.

  • Publisher: Paragon Software
  • Home page: www.penreader.com
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
English Malayalam Dictionary

English Malayalam Dictionary

Malayalam is one of the four major Dravidian languages of southern India. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India with official language status in the state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Mahé. This extension will show the meaning of English word in Malayalam.

  • Publisher: MindVision Software
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2008