Abylon shredder 9.5 key in Title/Summary

abylon SHREDDER is an app that can delete the digital traces left by deleted programs or Internet browsing, overwriting data up to 35 times. An additional option is the cleaning of the not used disk between the files, the so-called freespace and clustertip. Also your internet traces, as the history, the cookies or the cache can deleted irrevocably
- Publisher: abylonsoft - Dr. Thomas Klabunde
- Home page: www.abylonsoft.com
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2023

The encrypted drives can be open with passwords, chip cards, USB sticks (flashdrives), CD or (PKCS) certificate. Once open you access them like a normal drive in File Explorer. During every file operation the encryption works transparently in the background. If you lose your notebook, the closed drives are invisible and secure like a safe.
- Publisher: abylonsoft - Dr. Thomas Klabunde
- Home page: www.abylonsoft.de
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

The encrypted file clipboard abylon SHAREDDRIVE is shown in the File Explorer on the desktop level and protect your secret files. The complete integration into the Explorer environment simplify using of the software. The encryption and decryption with the AES algorithm.
- Publisher: abylonsoft - Dr. Thomas Klabunde
- Last updated: October 17th, 2011
Abylon shredder 9.5 key in Description

Sending never again unencrypted emails. Abylon CRYPTMAIL offers an user interface and an Outlook AddIn for email encrypting (incl. Attachments). Only the owner of the private key (HYBRID-System) or the correct password (SYMM-System) can open and read this email. For any other person the content is locked.
- Publisher: abylonsoft - Dr. Thomas Klabunde
- Home page: www.abylonsoft.de
- Last updated: October 25th, 2011

AbsoluteShield File Shredder
AbsoluteShield File Shredder is a file removal tool for Windows. You might not know this. But the files that you delete in Windows are not deleted permanently. You can erase your recycle bin several times. Still, Windows does not physically erase the data your files had on them.
- Publisher: SysShield Consulting, Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Webroot Spam Shredder
Halt spam in its tracks! Webroot Spam Shredder filters undesired commercial advertising to save you time and hard drive resources. It auto-configures Outlook, Outlook Express and Eudora email accounts for immediate relief from spam.
- Publisher: Webroot Software, Inc
- Last updated: December 24th, 2008
- Publisher: Chenpro Systems
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2010

BPS Data Shredder
Shredder literally destroys files, free space and your Recycle Bin contents instead of only deleting them. That means your data contents one overwritten and destroyed and can't be recovered. Also includes a scheduler and multi language support.
- Publisher: Bullet Proof Soft
- Last updated: December 17th, 2009
Additional Abylon shredder 9.5 key selection

Armor Tools
A suite of tools which ensure your privacy and keep sensitive information secure. Armor Tools will let you work on the computer without leaving traces of your activities.
- Publisher: WinTools Software Engineering
- Home page: www.armortools.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

abylon BASIC
The Easy CRYPT- und ZIP-Solution provide a simple way for signing, encrypting and compressing of files. The encryption with the AES- or Blowfish-Algorithm supports the password based SYMM-System and the certificate based HYBRID-System (PKCS).
- Publisher: abylonsoft
- Home page: www.abylonsoft.de
- Last updated: October 29th, 2021

Intel Security True Key
Privacy is, undoubtedly, Internet users’ biggest concern, and rightly so - passwords, bank accounts, and credit cards are easy prey for cyberattackers. True Key is a state-of-the-art free protection tool that will scramble and encrypt passwords, messages, notes, credit cards, bank accounts, and any other piece of sensitive information using AES-256 encryption and multi-factor authentication.
- Publisher: Intel Corporation
- Home page: www.truekey.com
- Last updated: July 4th, 2017

Lavasoft File Shredder
Lavasoft File Shredder helps you take control of the information you don't want anyone else to get their hands on, by permanently removing the files. Information you erase by formatting your hard drive, or using your computer's "delete" key is still easily recoverable.
- Publisher: Lavasoft
- Home page: lavasoft.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2009

abylon KEYSAFE
The abylon KEYSAFE is a simply password manager to manage all your secret data. You need only one password or alternatively an USB Stick, CD, chip card or certificate as “keys”. The stored data can simply pull with the mouse into the appropriate fields of the Browsers or dialogue (Drag&Drop). With abylon KEYGENERATOR the software also offers a random password generator.
- Publisher: abylonsoft - Dr. Thomas Klabunde
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Wifi Key Finder
Wifi Key Finder is a tool which allows you to find and recover Wifi keys from your wireless router. It can scan your wireless network settings in Windows and show the saved Wifi profiles and passwords. The program works with all brands of wireless routers such as Linksys, Netger, Cisco, Belkin etc. This is not a hacking tool: it only shows the password settings saved in your computer.
- Publisher: Gear Box Computers
- Home page: wifi-key-finder.gearboxcomputers.com
- Last updated: January 17th, 2014

File Shredder
With File Shredder utility for Windows, the users will be able to erase any file from the hard drive beyond the point of recovery. This tool is free and has an attractive interface designed for ease of use, so that even novices will be able to understand every function.
- Publisher: Pow Tools
- Home page: www.fileshredder.org
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

Steganos Safe
Steganos Safe can be used to protect sensitive data on your PC, network, or in the cloud using 384-bit AES-XEX encryption with AES-NI-Hardware acceleration. It lets you create safe files and store all your files inside them. Each safe can have a maximum of 2TB in size.
- Publisher: Steganos Software GmbH
- Home page: www.steganos.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Product Key Explorer
Product Key Explorer can help you find the keys of the software products installed on a local computer or on other machines of your network. In this regard, it is great that the program supports an extensive list comprising more than 8,000 products. Using the tool could not be any easier, with just a push of a button you can get the list of programs installed on the machine and their keys.
- Publisher: Nsasoft US LLC
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Digital Document Shredder
Digital Document Shredder is an product for permanently removing (shred) files and folders from your computer. The Vista certified and awarded application allows you to completely remove selected information on your hard drive and other memories.
- Publisher: SafeIT Security
- Home page: www.safeit.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018