Acceleration patch in Title/Summary

LimeWire Acceleration Patch
LimeWire Acceleration Patch application tries to rectify problems like slow downloads, disconnections and traffic congestion. The program automatically searches for more sources for download at user-specified intervals. It resumes paused downloads automatically.
- Publisher: Download Boosters
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

BitComet Acceleration Patch
BitComet Acceleration Patch is an effective plug-in for BitComet P2P. The program includes most modern technology that is used to increase speed of BitComet downloads
- Publisher: Download Boosters
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

DC++ Acceleration Patch
Clean and free, without any adware or spyware, automatically resumes paused downloads, finds more sources at user-specified intervals, configuration from last run is saved and auto loads on start-up. Finished and wrong files are cleaned automatically.
- Publisher: Download Boosters
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019
Acceleration patch in Description

Imesh Acceleration Patch
Imesh Acceleration Patch is a plug-in for iMesh P2P application, which will optimize your download speed up to an astonishing level Main features: - Paused downloads are automatically resumed; - Interface is called by a system tray icon for quicker and easier use; - Finished and damaged files are automatically removed.
- Publisher: Download Boosters
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 8th, 2015

Kazaa Acceleration Patch
Kazaa Acceleration Patch (KZAP) is a powerful add-on tool intended to increase the speed of your Kazaa. KZAP boosts any file type transfer – you will be able to reach a faster download of your favorite MP3s, videos or software, and you will be also ensured full bandwidth utilization.
- Publisher: Download Boosters
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 9th, 2018

eDonkey Acceleration Patch
eDonkey Acceleration Patch is a powerful accelerator designed to speed up your eDonkey file sharing program performance. You will download MP3s, movies and other desired files faster than ever before. The add-on will ensure that your bandwidth is used to its highest capacity.
- Publisher: Download Boosters
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

SpeedLord can optimize the download process of various P2P applications including Limewire, Shareaza, Bearshare, Vuze, eMule, Bittorrent, BitComet, and uTorrent. It has a simple design, that can automatically detect running P2P clients and optimize them, without any user-input.
- Publisher: P2PHood LLC
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

UltraBooster BC
A powerful acceleration patch that uses streaming technology to increase your download rate. Main features: - Complete and wrong downloads are cleaned automatically. - Searches for more sources at user-specified intervals. - Offers simple but stylish interface easy operable by a system tray icon. - Resumes paused downloads automatically.
- Publisher: UltraBoosters LLC
- Last updated: January 30th, 2017
Additional Acceleration patch selection

UltraBooster for BitComet
UltraBooster for BitComet is a software created for extra-acceleration of the downloads if you are using the BitComet file sharing program. The app can be used by anyone as it connects to its client (if running) and configures settings automatically.
- Publisher: UltraBoosters
- Last updated: October 25th, 2013

Fallout - Unofficial Fallout Patch
Features: -The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch has been created for Fallout 3 v1.1 (english) or higher and should not be used with any other Fallout 3 versions\languages. -The Unofficial DLC Patches will ONLY work if the DLC's are in your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder otherwise using them will crash your game. If you want to move the DLC's out of G4WL then simply do a file seach in your
- Publisher: Quarn
- Last updated: August 12th, 2009

PES Professionals Patch
PES Professionals Patch is a free to use patch for PES 2016. Main features: - Add Summer transfers (more than +300 transfers). - Full Premier league licensed. - Bundesliga full. - Complete (names, kits, logos) for all leagues and teams. - Real kits and players names for all national teams. - Real names and logos for all competitions and leagues. - 39 Stadiums by Estarlen Silva.
- Publisher: Hawke, Txak, Tunizizou, prince shieka, Estarlen Silva
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 30th, 2016

Visual Patch
Visual Patch is a binary patch maker for Windows OS. Visual Patch automatically takes care of the complicated details of patch development, such as inspecting versions to decide which files have changed, and performing sophisticated byte level differencing on each file in order to extract the differences between versions.
- Publisher: Indigo Rose Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

uTorrent Acceleration Tool
uTorrent Acceleration Tool optimizes uTorrent downloads. This program has a simple interface with one-click acceleration; you only need to select the target network card/interface from its drop-down list. You can also view the realtime network traffic graph in its main page.
- Publisher: P2PAccelerators
- Last updated: July 31st, 2022

AIO Ultimate Patch
AIO Ultimate Patch for games make them playable without Steam. This application supports L4D2, L4D, TF2, Portal, Portal 2, GMod, CS:S, CS:GO, Dota 2, Insurgency, KF, DoD:S, NMRiH, Payday 2, Unturned, and many others. It also features a game version and update checker.
- Publisher: Zexdestroyer
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2017

THC Codec Patch
The Microsoft platform update KB2670838, which is available for Windows 7 since the end of February will, in some cases, stop the image and sound in the TERRATEC Home Cinema software. This patch corrects the codec settings and should therefore be loaded when you experience the above mentioned problems while using the Home Cinema software.
- Publisher: TerraTec
- Last updated: May 27th, 2013

Patch Maker
Patch Maker can help you create update patches for existing applications. Thus, the ultimate goal of using this program is to create a setup wizard that will only update the old files instead of installing the whole software. Patch Maker can really be used by anyone thanks to the help of a wizard.
- Publisher: Clickteam
- Last updated: July 10th, 2012

Warcraft III Patch
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos™ is a strategy videogame created by Blizzard Entertainment and it is the third of the Warcraft series . Besides continuing the history of the medieval epic world of Warcraft it distinguishes from its predecessors by incorporating two important changes: the 3D graphics and the two new races.
- Publisher: Blizzard
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

EVGA SLI Enhancement Patch
Announcing the EVGA SLI Enhancement! This unofficial patch enables SLI support in the latest games. In order to quickly enhance SLI Profile issues that come up with any new demo or game release; EVGA has decided to publicly release this update to patch add any SLI profiles so you can take full advantage of SLI right now!
- Publisher: EVGA
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012