Accessing clipboard history in Title/Summary

Ace Clipboard History
Free Clipboard History Manager. The Ace Clipboard floats on top of your current work. Whenever you cut or copy, the clip appears in Ace. To paste back a clip, all you have to do is click on the one you want.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2015

Clipboard History
A Windows clipboard manager with optional cloud synchronization and AES encryption. Pressing a hotkey or the usually idle and useless CAPS LOCK key will bring up a paste menu of last clipboard items and text snippets from every Windows application.
- Publisher: Outertech
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

Clipboard History Pro
A Windows clipboard manager with optional cloud synchronization and AES encryption. Pressing a hotkey or the usually idle and useless CAPS LOCK key will bring up a paste menu of last clipboard items and text snippets from every Windows application.
- Publisher: Outertech
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
Accessing clipboard history in Description

Clipboard Extender
Clipboard Extender makes everyday work much more efficient. With this application you can copy text multiple times and everything is stored in the Clipboard History. You can also share it between multiple devices in the network.
- Publisher: Wojciech Kulik
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 10th, 2016

TMS Presentation Tool for Delphi 2011
IDE plugin to monitor clipboard, track clipboard history and to save & load code snippets for giving presentations with Delphi. If you have ever been frustrated that something you cut to the clipboard was lost due to a newer clipboard action, the clipboard monitor keeps a history of your clipboard and make it easy to recall clipboard content at any time.
- Publisher: TMS Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 30th, 2011

Flashpaste lets you define text templates so that you can quickly paste them on browsers, word processors, code editors, and other Windows programs. Support for rich text allows you to create template texts using styles, bold or italic fonts, colors, bullet lists, etc.
- Publisher: Softvoile Flashpaste Speed Typing
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2018

ClipBoard extends the clipboard functionality on WinNT (2k, XP) computers by turning the capslock key into a clipboard control key. Features: Clipboard history User buffers Quick commands like capitalize, indent and execute. Plugins that allows for customized functions
- Publisher: Linus Brimstedt
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

CopyQ is an advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. It monitors Windows clipboard and copies its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application. It has the ability to store, text, HTML, image, and other formats.
- Publisher: Lukas Holecek
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2023
Additional Accessing clipboard history selection

Clipdiary is much more than just a nicer clipboard to compete with your Windows utility. This powerful tool turns the Windows lame clipboard into a powerful database with a set of useful management tools. Clipdiary not only saves time to everyone who comes across with it — it has no space limitation and it is free to use, as long as you do not use it for commercial purposes.
- Publisher: Softvoile
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Comfort Clipboard Pro
Useful as the Windows clipboard is to store content and reuse it as many times as required without copying it again, the fact that it’s limited to the latest fragment saved makes tools like Comfort Clipboard Pro an absolute need for Windows users. It allows you to store as many clips as you wish, keep them organized, and paste them where and when needed using the drag-and-drop technique.
- Publisher: Comfort Software Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022

Clipboard Help+Spell
Clipboard Help+Spell is an efficient and lightweight clipboard history utility. Main features: - Database stores history of all past text and image clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification, and search - Use it for keeping hierarchical notes - search, sort, filter by text, modification date, last view date.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Tagalog Translator
The main functionality is a dictionary with a score-based search algorithm for translating English-Tagalog / Tagalog-English. Including additional information such as active verb, passive verb, L2 definitions, notes and examples. Search query history and copy to clipboard functionality is available as well.
- Publisher: Stefan van Roosmalen
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2011

FastPaste is clipboard management tool for Windows. What it does is extend the functionality and storage capacity of the clipboard by allowing you to work with more than one item at a time. This tool will come in handy if you work with repetitive text strings and don't want to spend your time typing the same thing over and over again.
- Publisher: Dextronet
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 6th, 2014

From personal data to login information, and from dates to URLs, the amount of data that we type again and again on our computers grows by the hour. TwinkiePaste offers a powerful solution to this repetitive task by saving your most widely used text snippets as “phrases” and allowing you to paste any entry to the current cursor position with a convenient key combination of your choice.
- Publisher: G&G Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

RecentX is a launcher for Windows designed to make your computing life joyful. It is packed with innovative ways of accessing your stuff on your Windows PC with lightning speed.
- Publisher: Conceptworld Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2023

ClipboardFusion gives you access to all the items that are copied to Windows clipboard. It provides a simple interface from where you can edit and paste copied items to any Windows program. With a Binary Fortress Account, you can sync your clipboard text with other computers and devices.
- Publisher: Binary Fortress Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Comfort Clipboard Lite
Comfort Clipboard Lite is a personal clipboard manager for Windows. You will always be sure that data will be saved even in case of a power failure or a system crash. It keeps the clipboard history that you can use to paste the selected fragment again.
- Publisher: Comfort Software Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Smart Type Assistant
Smart Type Assistant is an advanced typing automation tool, intended to make your typing faster with no errors. Smart Type Assistant features include autoreplace, autocorrect , various operations with the selected text, pasting large text pieces with a hotkey, clipboard history and much more.
- Publisher: Blazing Tools Software
- Last updated: February 10th, 2015