Aci mat foundation design guide in Title/Summary

ASDIP Foundation
ASDIP Foundation is a structural engineering tool for the design of concrete foundations as per the latest ACI 318 provisions. It can compute soil bearing pressures induced by a square or rectangular spread concrete footing subject to vertical load and biaxial moment.
- Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Mat3D is a general purpose yet comprehensive mat foundation design software. It completes both soil and pile supported, multi-load point mat foundations quickly and accurately. Main features: - International Design Codes - User Defined Parameters - Load Cases and Combinations - Soil/Pile Supported Designs - Multiple Foundation Components Design - Rebar Layouts.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012

ACI Sketch™
An intuitive interface, coupled with an easy learning curve makes ACISketch the best alternative in sketching software available today. And, ACISketch does not impact any other sketching applications you may have installed, so you can easily integrate ACISketch into your workflow. Begin using ACISketch today to improve your sketches and pass along the value-added benefits to your clients.
- Publisher: ACI
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012
Aci mat foundation design guide in Description

Mat foundation analysis and design. Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns. Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties. Holes in mats. Combined footings. Wall footings. Walls, grade beams, columns and pile supports.
- Publisher: IES
- Last updated: October 31st, 2012

Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: December 27th, 2009

TraSiS is an electronic implementation of the traffic sign support structural design procedure outlined in Main Roads Design Guide for Roadside Signs. The software automates the design procedure utilising the following user inputs: - Sign size - Terrain cross-section - Use of frangible or non-frangible supports - Selection of wind region (in accordance with AS1170.2) - Foundation strength.
- Publisher: Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

FLOORVIBE uses the criteria in the AISC/CISC Design Guide. Floors can be evaluated for:Walking in offices, residences, churches, and shopping malls, Footbridges, Activities like lively dancing and aerobics together with adjacent occupancies like offices, residences and dining.
- Publisher: Structural Engineers, Inc.
- Last updated: March 5th, 2010

Decon STDesign
tudrails® are a proven, cost-effective solution to punching shear at slab-column connections. Studrails® dramatically decrease labor costs, as well as reduce clutter and congestion at the slab column connection. Recently added applications for Studrails® include foundation slabs and post-tension anchorage zones.
- Publisher: Decon USA
- Last updated: May 5th, 2010
Additional Aci mat foundation design guide selection

Incredible Ink
Incredible Ink is an original arcade game for all ages. The game includes two modes Escape and Break all. In Escape, you have to draw ink lines to guide the ball to the exit, whereas Break all is a kind of arkanoid game in which you have to draw ink lines to make the ball bounce on them and break all objects. To draw an ink line, you simply have to right - click your mouse.
- Publisher: GameHouse, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Complete foundation design. Perfect for two-way mat slabs, spread footings and combined footings with any layout. Seamlessly integrates with RISA-3D and RISAFloor. RISAFoundation gives you the ability to solve and optimize all types of foundation systems, including mat foundations, grade beams and isolated spread footings.
- Publisher: RISA Technologies, LLC
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2019

Foundation3D is a spread and combined footing analysis/design tool that completes soil or pile supported foundation with minimal input. This tool is perfect for designing foundations for industrial equipment such as horizontal exchangers and vessels, vertical vessels or towers, pipe racks and other plant supports.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

Design Pattern Framework C#
An easy-to-follow guide for .NET architects building applications with Design Patterns. The C# edition comes with 100% pure C# source code. Features: - 69 Comprehensive .NET 4.0 Design Pattern Projects - 23 Valuable UML Diagrams in Visio format - Printable PDF document with all GoF Patterns - 3-Tier Pattern Architecture
- Publisher: DoFactory
- Last updated: August 10th, 2010

Super Material
Super material is a useful material tool for 3dsmax.(especially for interior & architectural design) Lets you add more than 24 materials in the material editor,quick remove missing maps,quick assign materials to objects,quick manage your material libraries.(.mat) It is more powerful than the material editor of 3dsmax.
- Publisher: 3ddragon studio
- Last updated: April 1st, 2008

A platform for Collaborative Discussion in classroom, i.e. face-2-face. CoFFEE (Collaborative Face2Face Educational Environment) offers several collaborative tools, and applications to design, guide and implement a session with students. ISISLab CoFFEE is a free and open source software
- Publisher: delmal, furbel, giupal, imanno, rosdec, vitsca
- Last updated: November 6th, 2011

Poor Carnegie Mellon freshmen, never know where to go. Guide them around campus in this tribute to DMA Design's Lemmings.This project runs on every operation system and contains known but unresolved bugs. Program requires .NET Runtime. Start to download!
- Publisher: GCS

Nios II Embedded Design Suite
Nios II Software Build Tools—a set of powerful commands, utilities, and scripts to manage build options for applications, board support packages, and software libraries. Nios II Software Build Tools For Eclipse—a fully integrated development environment built from the ground up using Nios II Software Build Tools as a foundation built entirely as plug-ins to industry-standard Eclipse.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010

As a practical amateur, your photo collection keeps expanding and you need to keep your workflow flowing.
- Publisher: ACD Systems International Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 15th, 2022

Nero Burning ROM
Nero Burning ROM allows to burn CDs, convert WMA to MP3, copy and archive important data permanently. More exactly, you can convert your audio CDs into the format of your choice. You can convert your audio CDs into the format of your choice. Whether MP3, AAC, FLAC, or APE – the quality will astound you.
- Publisher: Nero AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2023