Actual transparent window code in Title/Summary

Actual Transparent Window
Actual Transparent Window is an innovative Windows desktop enhancement which allows setting any level of transparency for any particular window in the system. The app lets you set individual transparency rate for each window. You can change transparency from 0% (solid) to 100% (fully transparent) to achieve the desired effect.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Actual Window Minimizer
Actual Window Minimizer lets you minimize any window to the system tray. It adds an extra Minimize-to-Tray Minimize-to-Tray button button to every window's title bar to simplify the process. It also lets you override the default behavior of any window's standard Minimize button and use it for the alternative minimization.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Actual Window Menu
Actual Window Menu can add custom extended menu to any window. This app adds several menu items to standard window menu accessible via application icon in the title bar. The app allows you to create rules (i.e. available menu items and corresponding settings) for each individual application which is most convenient for automating the organization process.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Actual transparent window code in Description

Transparent Windows
Transparent Windows is a utility for Windows systems that allows setting transparency levels to any window of any running application. Windows 7 and Vista include this feature natively but these transparency settings can only be accessed from the Control Panel and not by a quick access.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2011

WindowTop enable you to pin any window on top, enable window transparency, even click through transparent window, set window dark/read mode, shrink the window to small size and more. Read & See more:
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

FlashOnDesktop supports pixel-wised transparent window, so you may create irregular shaped window based on the alpha value in pixel of the flash movie. The window styles can also be tweaked one by one, for example, you may set the window to be always on top, and you may set the window to be shown in fullscreen mode.
- Publisher: aSyncRIA
- Last updated: September 30th, 2010

Peek Through
Peek Through is an application for Windows XP, Vista and 7 which makes the foreground window transparent with the press of Hot Keys. You may adjust the amount of transparency and the Hot Keys. You also have the ability to “click through” the transparent window onto the window beneath it.
- Publisher: Luke Payne Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 15th, 2010

SWFKit Express
SWFKit Express can launch external executable files, open external documents, display file save and file open dialog box, show message boxes.SWFKit Express also supports to change the screen resolution dynamically at full screen mode. When playing full screen movies or games, you can set a lower screen resolution to make your full screen projectors to play as fast as playing in a window.
- Publisher: Topcmm Technologies
- Last updated: December 1st, 2009
Additional Actual transparent window code selection

VideoMyPC is a small fast application that allows you to record all or part of your computer screen into a compressed movie. Simply drag the transparent window over the area you wish to record and press the record button, it's as simple as that. You can select which video encoder to use, VideoMyPC is compatible with any video encoder that you have installed on your PC.
- Publisher: LEDSET Software
- Last updated: October 15th, 2011

Perl Express
An integrated development environment (IDE) for Perl, including necessary tools for writing and debugging Perl programs under Windows 98/Me/2000/XP.
- Publisher: Perl Express Group
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

DiagTransfer is a chess editor position (fen/EPD) with two originals features: -A copy mode with a semi-transparent windows. - Print diagrams in a very high quality.
- Publisher: Alain Blaisot
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 12th, 2022

GhostWin allows you add a transparency effect to any open window over the screen or when a program window is moved or resized. There is also a Ghost effect which sets the transparency of a window to 50% and gets the focus to the window which is behind.
- Publisher: Brad DeGrazia
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2009

The ResizeXtra ActiveX control suite offers a range of powerful form functionality to give your forms more control using less coding. The powerful resizing tools put an end to writing resizing code. Adds intelligent resizing to your forms with no programming. Intelligent resizing uses simple commands located in the Tag property of each control on your form to describe how that control resizes.
- Publisher: Evova Technology
- Last updated: December 5th, 2009

TransWin allows you to set a transparency level for your windows. This function is not limited to windows only, but you can also make your task bar and start menu transparent, among others. You can define the general percentage of transparency and even set a different transparency level for each window or program. All of that through a simple and easy to use interface.
- Publisher: EaseXP Software
- Last updated: June 6th, 2012

Auto-Load Glass2k every time Winodws starts : If you want, Glass2k can start automatically every time you reboot your computer.Glass2k is a small little program that allows Windows 2000/XP users to make any window transparent. Right-click on any window or press the keyboard shortcuts (Control + Shift + [0-9]) to make any window transparent. It's that simple.
- Publisher: Chime Softwares Ltd
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2008

PixelWindow is a simple, light-weight, cross-platform application for measuring things on your screen. It creates a transparent window that acts like a pixel ruler with its width and height reported in the center. Just drag it around and resize it to measure whatever you want.
- Publisher: Cantrell Media Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2009

3D Button Visual Editor
If needed it can generate the necessary HTML code or JavaScript code for insertion into your HTML editor; click here to see some example of JavaScript navigation bar. 3D Button Visual Editor can now be used also as a "text plugin" for the products manufactured by our partner company Visual Vision: click here for details about the use of this powerful button editor as a "text plugin".
- Publisher: MultiMedia Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 6th, 2011

Windows Snapshot Grabber
Hide or set a window as transparent. Set a window as topmost. Resize a window or control for capture a snap. Especially WinGrab can capture a window snap with menus. WinGrab can capture a control snap also. WinGrab is very light and simply and user-friendly program. And it can remember all history of changed window. It can support task which can close some nag window or dialog automatically.
- Publisher: Batchwork Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024