Adobe pse runtime parameters in Title/Summary

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
The Adobe® AIR™ runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provide all the convenience of a desktop application. Companies like eBay and AOL are using Adobe AIR to create exciting new applications that allow you to use their services on your desktop.
- Publisher: Adobe
- Last updated: February 28th, 2008

IPSEpro is a set of software modules for creating process models and for utilizing these models throughout the lifecycle of process plants. IPSEpro's modules are used to - Calculate heat balances and predict design and off-design performance - Estimate costs during conceptual design - Verify and validate measurements during acceptance tests - Monitor and optimize plant performance on-line
- Publisher: SimTech Simulation Technology
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

FLEXlm for PSE
FLEXlm for PSE is an utility developed by Process Systems Enterprise.With this utility you can configure your computer fast and easy. Some web-browsers may change the file extension when they download, if this happens you may need to change it back before the file can be uncompressed.
- Publisher: Process Systems Enterprise
- Last updated: December 15th, 2010
Adobe pse runtime parameters in Description

FluorineFx is an open-source Flash/Flex remoting gateway, high-performance, scalable framework, streaming server that connects RIAs using Adobe software. The purpose of FluorineFx is to provide an open source alternative for Flex/Flash Remoting, Flex Data Services, Messaging and real-time messaging functionality for the .NET framework.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: December 9th, 2008

Desktop Color Finder
Desktop Color Search is an Adobe AIR app that runs on your desktop and allows you to search the entire COLOURlovers database for colors, palettes and patterns. You'll need to download the Adobe AIR runtime in order to run Desktop Color Search, you can use the link below to install AIR. (It works in both Windows and on Mac OS X)
- Publisher: CHROMAom
- Last updated: June 5th, 2008

This is an AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) application that helps you create and edit panoramas and virtual tours for the JC Panorama Viewer. The program develops four types of panoramas to choose from (plain, cylindrical, spherical and cubical) and each are created based on images specified by you. The panoramas also have support for hotspots and allow user interactivity.
- Publisher: jumpeyecomponents
- Last updated: February 5th, 2010

TwitterCamp is a desktop application that allows you to monitor tweets from your friends using the popular Twitter service. The application was built for the ApolloCamp mini-conference and uses the Adobe AIR runtime and Twitter Search API. The application is especially suited for running on large displays such as plasmas, LCDs, and projectors at conferences.
- Publisher: Daniel Dura
- Last updated: April 6th, 2010

Twobbler retrieves latest tracks from a user and writes the info of the last played or currently playing track to a text file. This text file can then be used in OBS or XSplit. Twobbler is quite easy to use; once you setup one or more music services scrobbling to, simply fill in your username in Twobbler and click Submit.
- Publisher: Deejavu
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 30th, 2016
Additional Adobe pse runtime parameters selection

Ditto TV is a client that will let you receive live video and TV on your phone, PC, tablet or other devices. By subscribing to this service you can receive movies and live TV channels from India onto your Internet connected device. Ditto TV will let you preview the content displayed by the service. You can select the content you want to see, and, if you like it, pay just for what you want to see.
- Publisher: Ditto TV
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021 Desktop Alerts Desktop Alerts is a small application which enables a person to monitor the availability of products tracked at via their computer's desktop. Desktop Alerts runs via the Adobe© AIR™ runtime. Currently Adobe AIR runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- Publisher: unknown
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010

Razuna Desktop
Razuna Desktop enables you to add any asset from your desktop to Razuna by simply dragging and dropping it into your Razuna Desktop application. You can use Razuna Desktop with your own hosted Razuna setup or with the Razuna Hosted Platform. Razuna Desktop runs on MacOS X, Windows and Linux.
- Publisher: Bruce LANE
- Home page:

Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player Standalone is a free program that can be downloaded and run on your PC. It has been designed to play all Flash format files, including ShockWave Flash (.swf) and Flash Video (.flv). You shouldn't confuse it with the Adobe Flash Player Plugins for IE and non IE browsers.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Adobe Flash Professional CS6
Adobe® Flash® Professional CS6 software is a powerful authoring environment for creating animation and multimedia content. Design immersive interactive experiences that present consistently across desktops and multiple devices, including tablets, smartphones, and televisions.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: September 27th, 2012

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Internet Explorer allows you to play Flash video, animation, and games in the Internet Explorer browser. Flash contents are used in almost all websites to display advertisements and video. This plugin is required to be installed in IE for accessing YouTube.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: December 10th, 2020

Adobe Flash Player NPAPI
Adobe Flash Player NPAPI is Flash Player for Firefox. Adobe Flash Player is a free program that can be used to run flash animations in browsers. Many of the YouTube videos require it since they are encoded in FLV format. This version of the flash player can be used with Firebox browser.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: March 16th, 2021

Adobe Shockwave Player
You can now add several exciting effects, such as Convolution filter, Adjust Color filter, Depth of Field, Bloom Effect, Night Vision, etc., to visually enhance movies. Make your Director movies a visual treat by taking advantage of the exciting new textures, such as PerlinNoise Texture, CubeMap Render Texture, and shaders, such as Fresnel Shader.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: June 11th, 2020

Sapphire Plug-ins for Adobe After Effects
Sapphire Plugins is a package of image processing and synthesis effects for use with Adobe After Effects and compatible products.
- Publisher: GenArts
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF reader that lets you open and print PDF documents. Using an online Adobe account, you can easily store, view, and share PDF files with others. Acrobat Reader also facilitates form-filling, adding signatures, highlighting, and addition of comments or text-boxes to documents.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025