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Advanced aircraft analysis aaa ppt in Title/Summary

Advanced Aircraft Analysis

Advanced Aircraft Analysis

The AAA program allows students and preliminary design engineers to take an aircraft configuration from early weight sizing through open loop and closed loop dynamic stability and sensitivity analysis, while working within regulatory and cost constraints.

  • Publisher: DARcorporation
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2012
ASAP (Advanced Systems Analysis Program)

ASAP (Advanced Systems Analysis Program)

Use ASAP to model complex imaging systems, illumination systems, and light-concentrating devices. Create highly accurate source models using source images, point sources, ray grids, and fans. Model incandescent bulbs, LEDs, CCFLs, and HID arc lamps, or import from the BRO Light Source Library. Perform the analyses necessary to validate your designs without experimental prototyping.

  • Publisher: Breault Research Organization
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional is a software program that is part of the Autodesk family and was built to offer engineers a complete set of tools to realize simulations of structural loads and execute code compliance with the aid of Building Information Modeling.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2019

Advanced aircraft analysis aaa ppt in Description

Cirrus Aircraft Training Software

Cirrus Aircraft Training Software

Features: - Practice normal and emergency proceduresanytime, anywhere using interactive cockpit controls and checklists. - Learn the systems of these technologically advanced aircraft (TAA) with animated, interactive schematics and simulations. - Navigate through the software using a familiar Pilot's Operating Handbook format.

  • Publisher: Aerospace Network
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2010


XLSTAT is a complete data analysis and statistics add-in for Excel. It includes regression (linear, logistic, nonlinear), multivariate data analysis, parametric tests, non parametric tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, forecasting methods.

  • Publisher: ADDINSOFT INC
  • Home page: www.xlstat.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
SuperEase 2005 Professional

SuperEase 2005 Professional

SuperEase 2005 Professional is a comprehensive 4-D Analysis and Forecast software that is designed with the beginners, intermediate to the advanced users in mind. SuperEase puts you in control of the simplest to the most advanced 4D analysis feature you can possibly think of. It helps you to play smart by minimizing your investment and increases your strike rates.

  • Publisher: 4DHelpDesk
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2008
Fast Statistics

Fast Statistics

Fast Statistics is a statistical analysis program for Microsoft Excel. It is an add-in and also a stand-alone software, so there is no need to have MS-Excel installed. It can complete different tasks from manipulations of basic data up to the advanced statistical analysis to produce sophisticated reports and charts.

  • Publisher: Fatesoft.com
  • Home page: fatesoft.com
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2008
F-22 Lightning 3

F-22 Lightning 3

F-22 Lightning 3 was my favorite flight simulator when I was a kid. The game is old now, but back then it was a piece of innovation. For the first time ever were nuclear bombs available for you to use in a video game. That was what sold the game back then. Fear, I would say. The game features one of the most advanced aircraft ever created, the F-22.

Additional Advanced aircraft analysis aaa ppt selection

ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS for Desktop allows you to analyze your data and author geographic knowledge to examine relationships, test predictions, and ultimately make better decisions. Simplify data design, input, and cleanup with advanced editing capabilities. Automate many aspects of cartography, making intelligent map production a less time-consuming task.

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: www.esri.com
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2020
PASW Statistics

PASW Statistics

PASW Statistics is a tool that puts the power of advanced statistical analysis in your hands. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced statistician, its comprehensive set of tools will meet your needs. Enjoy many new capabilities, plus greater flexibility in how you use this comprehensive set of tools.

  • Publisher: SPSS (Hong Kong) Ltd,
  • Home page: www.spss.com.hk
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2011


FULL-DISKfighter is an easy solution for getting an optimized computer system. Without your will, the hard drive is cluttered with all sorts of junk and temporary files that makes the system run slowly. Since this happens with every usage of the PC, it is advisable to have a program specialized in scanning the disk and removing unnecessary files.

FBS Trader

FBS Trader

FBS Trader 4 is the most wide spread trading platform in the world for trading in Forex, CFD, Futures and Stock markets. Metatrader 4 allows to perform transactions and advanced technical analysis due to wide variety of built-in indicators and linear tools.

  • Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2012


AdvancedDefrag is a tool which allows you to analyze and defragment your hard-disk(s). It provides multiple features in order to keep your PC at optimal performance all the time. AdvancedDefrag offers the opportunity to schedule defragmentations daily, weekly or monthly, at any desired start time.

  • Publisher: Advanced Defrag
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Recovery Toolbox for PDF

Recovery Toolbox for PDF

It helps to repair damaged PDF files. You can you open an unreadable PDF file containing important information. Features of Recovery Toolbox for PDF: - Restoring of damaged Adobe PDFs documents - Full support of PDF files recovery of all versions and sizes - An intelligent proprietary core leveraging the power of advanced document analysis and fixed methods

HY Trader

HY Trader

The HY Trader 4 Client Terminal is a part of the online trading system provided by Henyep Investment. HY Trader 4 delivers reliable on-line information direct to the Client Terminal. Such information as quotes and news are delivered to the terminal when the Client Terminal is connected to the Internet. The Client Terminal has many functions to enable users to make advanced trading decisions.

  • Publisher: Henyep Investment (UK) Ltd
  • Home page: www.hyinvestment.com
  • Last updated: July 25th, 2008


CardRunners EV is advanced poker analysis program. Using its hover-and-click based interface, you will be able to build a decision tree, after which the application will calculate the EV of every decision within that tree. Beneath each action in a tree, is a list of the conditions under which the action is taken. Thus, the charts are easy to understand/read.



OpenStudio is a cross-platform collection of tools designed to support the whole building energy modeling using EnergyPlus and advanced daylight analysis using Radiance. It facilitates the community development, extension, and private sector adoption. The graphical applications include the Trimble SketchUp Plug-in, RunManager, and ResultsViewer.

  • Publisher: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Home page: www.openstudio.net
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2015
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis software provides structural engineers with advanced structural analysis capabilities for large, complex structures. The software offers a wide range of analysis capabilities that enable you to investigate the linear and true nonlinear behavior of any structure.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.