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Advanced process manager in Title/Summary

Advanced Process Controller

Advanced Process Controller

Advanced Process Controller is a very good replacement for Windows default task manager. The program offers a detailed view of running applications and programs as compared to the default task manager of Windows. The program has good graphics and an intuitive user interface.

  • Publisher: WindowsSupporter
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2010
Process Manager

Process Manager

An enhanced task manager with advanced read/write process memory functions.

WebKeySoft Process Manager 2 Lite

WebKeySoft Process Manager 2 Lite

Process manager 2 Lite is among other a free process viewer which provides more information about processes than the classic Windows's Task Manager. With Process manager 2 Lite, you can show detailed information on process like its icon, dependencies, handles and threads.

  • Publisher: WebKeySoft
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Advanced process manager in Description

Advanced Task Manager

Advanced Task Manager

Advanced Task Manager shows you exactly what is running on your computer, including hidden processes. It gives you lots of information and calculates a security risk rating for each process. Advanced Task Manager also tells you whether a program connects to the Internet, watches what you type, is an Internet server, is hidden, is encrypted on disk, has invisible windows, etc.

  • Publisher: Innovative Solutions
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2009
Bill2's Process Manager

Bill2's Process Manager

Bill2's Process Manager is a far going alternative to standard Windows process manager. Unlike the Windows process manager this one will not only display or close the applications and finish the processes running on your PC, but also allow you to set the priorities for a program.



Starter is an advanced startup manager for Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003. This program allows you to view and manage all the programs that start automatically whenever operating system is loading. Starter enumerates all the hidden registry entries, startup folders' items and some of the initialization files.

Advanced Password Manager

Advanced Password Manager

Advanced Password Manager keep all your passwords in one place!

  • Publisher: Rayslab Inc.
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
Advanced PDF Manager

Advanced PDF Manager

Advanced PDF Manager is a unique combination of PDF search and conversion tool, the way to retrieve information from valuable Adobe Acrobat documents. Get free from managing PDF documents with unique .pdf search and conversion tool.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Home page: www.aks-labs.com
  • Last updated: January 1st, 2009

Additional Advanced process manager selection

Advanced Contact Manager

Advanced Contact Manager

This program is a simple contact management solution for your sales and technical support teams to keep track of your customers, open issues and call, and contact history. The program will help your team handle all incoming and outgoing calls, track the history of client contacts and monitor performance of everyone in the team.

  • Publisher: Xpress Software
  • Last updated: May 17th, 2010
Advanced StartUp Manager

Advanced StartUp Manager

When Windows starts up, it automatically launches a number of programs for you. Advanced StartUp Manager is program that allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you turn on or logon to your computer.

  • Publisher: Rayslab, LLC
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Advanced Business Manager

Advanced Business Manager

ABM (Advanced Business Manager) is the smart software solution for small to large businesses. Main features: - Powerful inventory management - Efficient job costing functionality - Large number of industry optional modules - Customizable to suit your requirements - Proven solution used across the globe - Smart MS Office integration

  • Publisher: Advanced Accounting Software Ltd
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2012
Advanced Wallpaper Manager

Advanced Wallpaper Manager

Advanced Wallpaper Manager is a good utility that allows you to manage and change your wallpapers from your desktop. This program will help you configure your desktop wallpaper with a simple and intuitive control panel, and customize your desktop wallpaper conveniently.

Advanced Cookie Manager

Advanced Cookie Manager

This software is an internet cookie viewer, shredder and manager. Cookies are a bits of information that a website may save or as they say drop on your PC when you first visit the site. Ever wondered what info they contain? This software allows you to look at the list of cookies, their content, the parameters saved and even securely remove them from your PC.

Advanced File Manager

Advanced File Manager

Advanced File Manager allows easy monitor the disk space usage on your local and network computers and servers, easy generate file system reports in most convenient file formats and manage file system. Advanced File Manager also lets you view space-distribution data in a pie chart. You can search files and folders by size and multiple names .

  • Publisher: AdvexSoft LLC
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2009
EF Process Manager

EF Process Manager

Shows you comprehensive information about which modules processes have opened or loaded,register/unregister modules to registry database, show the environment variables or the Windows error codes, make operations like kill process and much more...

  • Publisher: EFSoftware
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Advanced Proxy Manager

Advanced Proxy Manager

Advanced Proxy Manager is a simple but powerful proxy setting manager for Internet Explorer. A tool to allow the quick change between many different proxy settings. Allows storage and easy retrieval of several different proxy setting configurations for Internet Explorer.

  • Publisher: Karl Fleischmann
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2009
Advanced Tokens Manager

Advanced Tokens Manager

Advanced Tokens Manager is a safer application that helps you with the Windows and Office Activation Backup and Restore. This application is able to make the full backup of all activation data stored on the computer for a trusted restore without damage or modification of the activation system.

Advanced Security Manager

Advanced Security Manager

Advanced Security Manager has the ability to port security settings between Essbase servers, save security settings for backup, and create original security settings with a user friendly interface. It allows you to connect to an Essbase server in order to: create or update security settings, monitor or logoff users signed on to the server, and monitor or remove locks on the server.

  • Publisher: Applied OLAP, Inc.