Aec rummy in Title/Summary

Rummy From Special K
RUMMY contains all the classic Rummy games. You can choose the standard games of RUMMY, GIN RUMMY, 500 RUMMY, PINOCHLE RUMMY, KALUKI, OKLAHOMA GIN, MICHIGAN RUMMY, BOAT HOUSE RUMMY, ROUND THE CORNER, HIGH - LOW, ONE MELD, WILD CARD, INDIAN RUMMY, or you can customize the rules to play the way that you want. You can even make up your own game.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2014

AEC Buildings 2009
Contracting companies and investors have raised their benchmarks regarding time, value for engineering hours and cost effective construction. To meet these demands they need an automation manager. AEC Buildings 2009 is therefore designed to speak Engineer's language in a quickest possible time on a cost effective way.
- Publisher: AECLogic
- Last updated: November 28th, 2010

AEC Slope 2009
Earth embankments are widely used for roads, railways, river training works, canal embankments, dams, etc. The failure of these structures is likely to result in loss of life and damages to property. AEC Slope 2009 is used for analyzing stability of slopes for the above structures and reporting safety factors.
- Publisher: AEC Logic
Aec rummy in Description

RUMMY Card Game From Special K
Play Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy, Oklahoma Rummy, Michigan Rummy, Boat House Rummy, Pinochle Rummy, Kaluki, Round the Corner Rummy, One Meld Rummy, Wild Card Rummy, Indian Rummy.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

Rummy Card Games from Special K
Play INDIAN RUMMY, Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy, Oklahoma Rummy, Michigan Rummy, Boat House Rummy, Pinochle Rummy, Kaluki, Round the Corner Rummy, One Meld Rummy, Wild Card Rummy.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

Classic Rummy
Classic Rummy is one of the most popular online rummy sites that have the reputation of providing good rummy games and great prizes. So if you are a player looking for a good online rummy session, you can place your bets on Classic Rummy. Players can play free games as well as real-cash games, the choice is theirs’.
- Publisher: Classic Rummy
- Last updated: May 29th, 2014

Rummy is the name given to a unique group of skill-based card games. Rummy is a family of card games which are known and respected around the world and which offer hours of fun and amusement for those who know how to play. Online Rummy games are suitable for the whole family and can be played by retirees and teenagers alike.
- Publisher: RM Royal Media Ltd
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

Rummy Royal
Royal Rummy is an online casino that includes many card games that can be played for real money or for fun. The application includes four categories of games, namely Rummy, Gin, Kalooki 51, and Turk Rummy. It includes demos for all games, so you can easily learn the rules.
- Publisher: RM Royal Media Ltd
- Last updated: July 15th, 2010
Additional Aec rummy selection

MeggieSoft Games Gin Rummy
Gin Rummy is a free-to-play card game for Windows OS. Ten cards are dealt to you and ten to your opponent. The remaining cards form the stock and are placed face down by the table. The top card is turned face up on the table. This card forms the beginning of the discard pile.
- Publisher: MeggieSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 26th, 2016

AEC CutFill
Earthwork Volume/Quantity Calculating Software For grading and excavation contractors and clients who need cut and fill volume quantity information, is an earthwork program that provides a solution for traditional cross section project work.A powerful and flexible earthwork cut and fill calculation software.
- Publisher: AEC Logic.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

AEC 3D Culverts-Pipe
AEC 3D Culverts-Pipes is a solution helping civil engineers to quickly design and plan pipe type cross drainage structures for highway and canal projects. It offers wide range of sophisticated features for precise design, planning, analysis and production of 3D/2D drawings.
- Publisher: AEC Logic
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

AEC 3D Culvert-Box
AEC 3D Culverts-Box is a solution helping civil engineers to quickly design and plan box type cross drainage structures or minor bridges for highway/canal projects. It offers a wide range of sophisticated features for precise design, planning, analysis and production of 3D/2D drawings.
- Publisher: AEC Logic
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

AEC 3D Culverts-Slab
AEC 3D Culverts-Slabs is a solution helping civil engineers to quickly design and plan slab type cross drainage structures or minor bridges for highway/canal projects. The program offers wide range of sophisticated features for precise design, planning, analysis and production of 3D/2D drawings.
- Publisher: AEC Logic Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

Net Gin Rummy
Net Gin Rummy provides you with two game table tabs that easy to change: you will be able even to play against the computer and human opponent at the same time! Each tab lets you select a game variations; change the scoring and rules of the game; customize cards, decks and backgrounds; choose text messages fonts and colors; define card speed; associate sound effects.
- Publisher: NetIntellGames
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

Championship Rummy All-Stars
Discover new challenges and excitement with the game of Championship Rummy All-Stars! Our popular Rummy game title includes a cast of 24 vividly endearing virtual opponents! These All-Star characters span five levels of difficulty to suit your game enjoyment.
- Publisher: DreamQuest
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010

Michigan Rummy
Players try to win the pots by playing the sequence of cards for the slot. This game is similar to Tripoly. You will use The Lobby to open up the games to play against other players. To play the game solo offline, go to Start, Programs, Tams11, Game and select the game from the list.
- Publisher: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2011

Multiplayer Gin Rummy
This game is played by 2 players. At the start of a game each player is dealt 10 cards, 1 card is put face up as the first card in the discard pile, the rest of the cards are put face down as the stock pile. The first player starts the round by picking up a card in the discard pile or the stock pile, and then discarding a card from his hand to the discard pile.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Tams11 Tile Rummy
Use the tiles to create groups with three or more tiles. The first player to get rid of all their tiles will gain points equal to the sum of the tiles the remaining players have in their hands. You can rearrange the tiles on the board to fit your needs. It may seem simple at first but it can become a complex game of rearranging the tiles in order to leave your opponents with tiles left
- Publisher: Tams11 Software
- Last updated: July 20th, 2011