Aerosoft dangerous airports fs2004 in Title/Summary

aerosoft's - Dangerous Airports
aerosoft's - Dangerous Airports is an flight simulation addition. All the airports in this package have their own challenges and their own dangers. It can almost guarantee that your first approach to any of these airports will end up in a missed approach. It works on Windows platform and requires Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2, Acceleration Pack or Gold Edition).
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2012

aerosoft's - German Airports 2 X - FS2004
German Airports 2 X is a new software that creates new dimensions in the German Airport scenery, the software has included add-ons of the following airports; Cologne/Bonn, Hannover, Dortmund, Munster/ Osnabruck, and Leipzig/Halle. German Airport sceneries show the airport as it is today with no modifications.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: November 20th, 2010

aerosoft's - German Airports 2-Leipzig X
Aerosoft's - German Airports 2-Leipzig X 1.0 is German airport scenery for FSX and FS2004 which features Leipzig/Halle airport. The add-on depicts the Leipzig/Halle airport which gives a detailed scene of the real airport. It consists of lighting systems, buildings, taxiways and runways. All these have been restructured keeping into mind the real-time airport.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 17th, 2010
Aerosoft dangerous airports fs2004 in Description

aerosoft's - German Airports 3 - 2012 (FSX)
The German Airports Team are again setting new standards in terms of quality, realism, and friendly frame rates with their complete overhaul of the German Airports 3 package. All airports are developed according to their actual status with all buildings.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Venice X
Aerosoft’s Venice X 1.0 is a virtual reality scenery program add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, compatible with FSX Service Packs 1 and 2. Users can integrate this program into SFX to simulate 3D landing and exploration by air of the islands city of Venice, its buildings, two airports and canals, and the island of San Nicolo.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Aerosoft's - MonacoX
Using the FS2004 version Aerosoft Monaco X gives you the full experience of flying in one of the smallest independent states in the world. So small there is not enough space to build a proper airfield. The only airport is a helipad called as the Nice Airport but Monaco makes up for the size in its beauty.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Aerosoft's - Luxembourg Airports
Aerosoft's - Luxembourg Airports is a program that includes the three airports of Luxembourg. It has detailed mesh and aerial imagery covering the terrain. All buildings on and around the airport of ELLX are photo-realistic. All ground marks and relevant signs were adopted to reflect reality.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: November 30th, 2012

Abacus CoPilot Pro
The Abacus CoPilot Pro 4.0 is a software virtual instrument program for Microsoft’s Flight Simulator FSX and FS2004 program users that provides them with GPS Navigation and flight planning, and an Auto Pilot controller. The Abacus CoPilot Pro 4.0 features global integrated maps covering airports and geo-political boundaries that includes a zoom function.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2010
Additional Aerosoft dangerous airports fs2004 selection

aerosoft's - German Airports 3 - Luebeck X
Luebeck Airport is close to Hamburg (and Lübeck of course) and like so many smaller airports it has been revived from a slumbering existence by the growth of the low costs airlines who need the smaller and cheaper airports to operate as they do. Luebeck Airport now is growing fast and has serious expansion plans.
- Publisher: Aerosoft USA, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 20th, 2012

aerosoft's - Mega Airport London Heathrow X
This package contains the Mega Airport London-Heathrow including the brand new Terminal 5. Discover a exquisitely true to original atmosphere! Simwings did have the BAA as an official partner for this project which makes it as realistic as can be with a foresight in to the future.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 28th, 2011

German Airports 2 - 2012 (Cologne/Bonn)
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Cologne/Bonn) is a scenery designed for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. You get a highly detailed virtual replica of the airport and its surroundings including regional objects and photo realistic ground textures based on aerial images.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: January 17th, 2014

Aerosoft's - DHC-6 Twin Otter X
The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter is one of the most versitile aircraft ever designed. Still Canada's most successful commercial aircraft program with more than 800 built, the Twin Otter remains popular for its rugged construction and useful STOL performance.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 12th, 2013

Aerosoft's - Mega Airport Brussels X
Aerosoft's - Mega Airport Brussels X 1.0 is a scenery for FSX and FS2004. There are many features of this scenery pack. It is completely designed in GMAX thus giving it a better quality look. The objects so available in the scenery are generally dynamic or animated objects.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Aerosoft's - MyTraffic 2010
More than 140 aircraft models were newly designed for FSX with in a never before seen detail for AI-planes and a with a minimal impact on the PC resources. Nearly all current airliners, most commuter aircraft and civil freighters are included. 1600 aircraft liveries are included as well as more than 4000 different types and associated flight plans.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2010

Aerosoft's - Airbus X
The Aerosoft Airbus X is a high definition rendering of this venerable aircraft for FSX. Created with help from many Airbus pilots and Air Berlin it is what Aerosoft believes an airliner in FSX should be. The fully functional Virtual Cockpit puts the user in a fully immersive environment.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: March 12th, 2013

Aerosoft's - Beaver X
Beaver X (FSX+FS2004) is a flight simulation software that lets the user experience real-time in-flight experience. It includes a beaver which caters to the requirements of every terrain. The missions included in this software would help the users to gain an insight about the aircraft.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Aerosoft's - Seahawk & Jayhawk X
The Seahawk is believed to be an easy to fly bird and it is also one of the most extensively used helicopters by the US Navy and the Coast Guard. Seahawks and Jayhawks are now available together for your flying experience in the “Seahawk & Jayhawk X (FSX+FS2004*)” package.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Aerosoft's - MyTrafficX
MyTraffic X is an add-on for Microsoft flight simulator X. It adds some great features like a realistic in-flight and aircraft ground traffic. This is exactly similar to the customized radio communications used at airports. This add-on generates more than 475.000 flights per day. This includes 7.800 worldwide airports.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 5th, 2009