Aes md5 file hash checker in Title/Summary

File Hash Checker
File Hash Checker is a tool which allows you to compute the MD5 and SHA1 hash of any file. It also allows you to check the computed hash against a database of known MD5 and SHA1. Currently this database only contains the hashes from ISO of Microsoft products like Windows 7, Windows Vista, Office, in English and French.
- Publisher: Julien MANICI
- Last updated: October 21st, 2009

MD5 Salted Hash Kracker
MD5 Salted Hash Kracker is a free tool that helps you recover your lost password from the salted MD5 hash. The program uses the dictionary-based cracking method, which makes the cracking operation easier. By default, a small dictionary file is included, but you can add other collections of password dictionaries.
- Publisher: SecurityXploded
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 10th, 2017

File Hash Generator Free Edition
Compute and save MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPEMD hashes and CRC16/32 checksums for multiple files! Calculate hashes for whole file or just specified bytes. Insert hashes into files in text or binary form; save hashes to a separate file; add to file name.
- Publisher: BinaryMark
- Last updated: June 9th, 2015
Aes md5 file hash checker in Description

MD5 Free File Hasher
MD5 Free File Hasher is a program used to calculate the MD5 hash of any file. It is useful to know if a file you have downloaded is legit and matches the MD5 file hash published by its author. You can verify if the content of a file has changed by comparing the MD5 hash.
- Publisher: DVDAVITools
- Last updated: February 19th, 2016

NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro
NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro is a powerful anti-executable and application whitelisting program designed to monitor every process that is executed in your system. You can whitelist a process by secure MD5 file hash, comparing the command-line string, comparing the file location, you can whitelist a folder so every process located in that folder is allowed to execute.
- Publisher: NoVirusThanks Company Srl
- Last updated: November 28th, 2014

MD5 Checksum Verifier
MD5 Checksum Verifier can check the integrity of files using common MD5 algorithms. Using this tool, you can create checksums of files and verify their integrity in the future. It is quite useful while sharing files though the Internet or external storage devices.
- Publisher: FlashPlayerPro
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

MD5 Fingerabdruck
MD5 Fingerabdruck is a tool for calculating any file's MD5 hash. The program can generate a .md5 file with the found MD5 that can be used the program later for verifying that the file was not changed . The program also supports command-line arguments.
- Publisher: Carstens & Co. GmbH Informationsmanagement
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

febooti fileTweak Hash and CRC
It's a simple tool to compute most popular file hash checksums such as MD5, CRC32, SHA-1, SHA-2 and others. Easy to use interface allows to verify file integrity by comparing calculated checksum with a clipboard or checksum files. Integrates natively into Microsoft Windows file properties.
- Publisher: febooti software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 19th, 2018
Additional Aes md5 file hash checker selection

MD5 File Hasher
MD5 File Hasher is a program that can be used to check any file for changes or damage, using its MD5 checksum. MD5 hash values for several files, a folder or an entire drive can be created automatically. These can be exported into a text file or saved as a Checkfile. The program can also create Checkfiles.
- Publisher: Digital-Tronic
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

File Encoding Checker
File Encoding Checker tool can display the encoding for all selected files, or only the files that do not have the encodings you specify. Now you can validate the text encoding of one or more files. The program is free to download and install on your computer.
- Publisher: unknown
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

File Checksum Tool
File Checksum Tool is a free utility that calculates MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, MD2, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 hash from a file. The software allows you to verify the Hash or create new checksum for your important data.
- Publisher: Serkiy Horobets
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

CSV File Format Checker
CSV File Format Checker is a simple program that allows you to verify the integrity of a CSV file. To check a CSV file for errors, you just have to select the filename in the listbox and click the "Check For Errors" button, or double-click the filename in the file listbox.
- Publisher: Anti-Money Laundering Council
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 10th, 2015

HashTab provides OS extensions to calculate file hashes and supports many hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RipeMD, HAVAL and Whirlpool.
- Publisher: Implbits LLC
- Last updated: April 11th, 2018

BD File Hash
BD File Hash is a convenient file hashing and hash compare tool for Windows which currently works with MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512 algorithms. The goal behind BD File Hash is to have a super simple to use hashing tool which doesn't force you to copy/paste hash strings between documents and applications to match them.
- Publisher: Brettski
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Duplicate File Detective
This program can search for duplicate files in your folders, drives, removable storage devices, and network shares. It can compare the contents of files and perform byte-for-byte match confirmation before performing the deletion. Detected duplicates can also be moved to another location.
- Publisher: Key Metric Software, LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

File Hash Shell
File hashes are used to verify the authenticity and integrity of files - especially those transmitted over the internet. When downloading a file from MSDN for instance, you are presented with the SHA-1 Hash - a list of seemingly random characters and numbers that are generated using the SHA-1 encryption algorithm to uniquely identify that file.
- Publisher: McKechney
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2010

Bitser is a powerful tool that lets you manage archives and backup files of various types, including popular ones like ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE, RAR, ISO, MSI, TAR, and so on. Anyway, it supports most of these formats only for extraction, as for creating new archives it can handle only the ZIP, 7-ZIP and self-extracting EXE output types.
- Publisher: Bitser
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 30th, 2015

Xtremsplit is a free and useful tool to split and join large files. You can split your files into smaller ones of equal size, or tell the program the total number of resulting files you want to have. If needed, you can tell the program to create a convenient self-extracting file. It can join not only its own split files, but also those created using 28 different well-known splitters.
- Publisher: Önder Arslan
- Last updated: July 9th, 2008