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Aft fathom viscosity mixing rules in Title/Summary

AFT Fathom

AFT Fathom

AFT Fathom is fluid dynamic simulation software for engineers, used to calculate pressure drop and flow distribution in liquid and low velocity gas piping and ducting systems. Main features: - Advanced hydraulic solver using Newton-Raphson matrix methods. - Detailed modeling for centrifugal and positive displacement pumps. - Integrated graphing and reporting.

  • Publisher: Applied Flow Technology
  • Home page: www.aft.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2015
AFT Fathom Client

AFT Fathom Client

AFT Fathom provides comprehensive, incompressible pipe flow analysis and system modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use. Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Fathom includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings, variable model configurations, pump and control valve modeling and much more.

  • Publisher: Applied Flow Technology
  • Home page: www.aft.com
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2009


Viscosity is a client that allows you to connect to any server running OpenVPN. In this respect, it has the same advantages of using any VPN service, like concealing your real location as well as bypassing geo-restrictions and ISP rules. The program can be set to start automatically and remain hidden in the System Tray. Its interface is characterized by various tabs.

Aft fathom viscosity mixing rules in Description

AFT Mercury

AFT Mercury

AFT Mercury is built on and includes all of the modeling building tools and analysis capabilities of AFT Fathom. Models of incompressible piping systems may be developed and analyzed within AFT Mercury as in AFT Fathom, or model files developed within AFT Fathom may be opened by AFT Mercury. Please refer to to AFT Fathom pages for a description of of these capabilities.

  • Publisher: Applied Flow Technology
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2012
Fathom It!

Fathom It!

FATHOM IT! v1.2 (ASP) - MS Windows version of GAMES Magazine's column "Battleships". Unlike the pencil-and-paper game of battleship, Fathom It! boards are solved using logical deduction only. Windows 3.x and higher.



CCHE2D is an integrated package for two-dimensional simulation and analysis of river flows, non-uniform sediment transport, morphologic processes, coastal processes, pollutant transport and water quality. These processes are solved with the depth integrated Reynolds equations, transport equations, sediment sorting equation, bed load and bed deformation equations.

  • Publisher: NCCHE - National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Luxand Wave FX

Luxand Wave FX

Luxand Wave FX is a free and easy way to make video clips that look like they’ve been shot underwater. The new plugin makes adding realistic wave effects in Adobe After Effects a matter of just a few mouse clicks. With seven configurable options, you can adjust how the waves look and control physical properties of the liquid.

  • Publisher: Luxand, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2010
EngNet Tools

EngNet Tools

EngNet Tools is a simple but powerful 2 in 1 application, a conversion calculator and a Terminology Reference Guide. The conversion calculator tool allows you to convert values between a number of common (and not so common) Engineering-related units.

  • Publisher: EngNet
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2012

Additional Aft fathom viscosity mixing rules selection

Rules of Survival

Rules of Survival

As its name implies, the aim of this game is to make your character survive against multiple attackers. To to do so, you will need to move fast and acquire different weapons to defend yourself, but also to attack and kill other players. The game is action packed, and has good graphics and sounds. If you enjoy shooters and MMORPGs, then you may enjoy this one.



Fathom is an multiplayer online game similar to Mastermind. You try to guess the squence of the four colored balls in as few guesses as possible. You receive clues for each guess that will help you solve the puzzle.

  • Publisher: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2009
Desktop (search) rules

Desktop (search) rules

DeskRule is a utility that complements and extends the Windows search. The program allows you to find top rated pictures, find audio tracks by artist, locate PDF/Office documents by tags, author or contained keywords, find photos, find DLLs installed by Microsoft, and more.

  • Publisher: Zabkat
  • Home page: zabkat.com
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2016
Colour Mixing

Colour Mixing

Colour Mixing is an enjoyable game in which you must mix colors to form the target color indicated on each level. The game is comprised of 20 levels, in which you will have to form different colors by mixing the ones given. However, there are two different techniques that will appear intercalated as you play the game.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Home page: www.novelgames.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Graphics Rules Maker

Graphics Rules Maker

Graphics Rules Maker is an application designed to improve the compatibility of The Sims 2 and SimCity 4 games on modern computer systems. The application provides a set of tweaks in order to make your game run on Full HD monitors with higher resolution than 1600x1200.

Checkers International

Checkers International

Play nine checkers variations from throughout Europe, including Alquerque (the oldest living checkers variation), Polish Draughts (played on a ten- by-ten board) and more!

  • Publisher: Random Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Rules of Roulette

Rules of Roulette

You will need to learn how to combine odds with different betting options and once this has been mastered you will have a truly exciting time each time the roulette wheel spins. No doubt the game is based on luck but if you learn where you should place your bets you can increase your chances of winning.

  • Publisher: Roulette Strategy Web
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Power Rules Manager

Power Rules Manager

Power Rules Manager is a Microsoft Outlook add-in that allows you to sort, print, and edit your Outlook rules right from a convenient grid format. Includes four validation checks including finding duplicate rules. Your rules will be shown in a clear and simple grid so you can take control of your rules.

  • Publisher: Sperry Software
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2014
CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro

CodeTwo Exchange Rules Pro is a Microsoft certified email signature and email flow manager for Exchange. This program will help you create complex rules to centrally manage email flow and to unify the look of your corporate correspondence - all without touching end users computers and mobile devices.

  • Publisher: CodeTwo
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
GOM Player

GOM Player

There are dozens of free media players and then there’s GOM Player. Apart from the obvious video and audio playback capabilities, this absolutely free player offers you a plethora of other functions that rival the most comprehensive media players. It supports all the most popular media codecs and searches for any other codec not present in its built-in library.

  • Publisher: Gretech Corp.
  • Home page: www.gomlab.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025