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Aim cfg 80 aim download in Title/Summary

AIM CrossChex

AIM CrossChex

AIM CrossChex is the PC interface for managing AIM fingerprint devices. It can be used to generate payroll reports for the departmental staffs/employees based on their attendance. The program records the time of attendance of each person using the data from the hardware.

  • Publisher: Anviz Global.
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2014


AIM Pro is a business professional instant messaging service you can use to send secure instant messages, make enhanced voice and video conference calls, share files on your desktop, and manage meetings to communicate more efficiently within and outside your company.

  • Publisher: WebEx
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008


AIM-Spice is the most commonly used analog circuit simulator today and is enormously important for the electronics industry.SPICE is a general purpose analog simulator which contains models for most circuit elements and can handle complex nonlinear circuits.

  • Publisher: AIM-Software
  • Home page: www.aimspice.com
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2008

Aim cfg 80 aim download in Description

Net Meter

Net Meter

Net Meter is a program that monitors the network traffic on your computer. It supports multiple network connections at once and provides reports about your network traffic. The main window displays a small graphic of your download and upload speed. Before you start using the program, you should select the connections that you want to monitor.

  • Publisher: Hoo Technologies
  • Home page: www.hootech.com
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2008
CFG Generator

CFG Generator

A utility for creating various Server.cfg files. Also creates Mani-Admin-Plugin Clients.txt and mani-server.cfg. Allows saving of cfg files too, for later editing or for large deployments. CFG Generator is a simple, easy to use utility specially designed to enable users to create various Server.cfg files

  • Publisher: CFG Generator
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2010


AIM+ is an add-on to AOL's Instant Messenger for Windows. AIM+ will not interfere with your AIM installation! You can still run AIM instead of AIM+, and you can upgrade to newer versions of AIM normally (w/o even re-installing AIM+). It integrates automatically and flawlessly with AIM, adding crucial features and options. And, of course, it's completely free.

Ultra Torrent Downloader Free

Ultra Torrent Downloader Free

Ultra Torrent Downloader Free is designed to download files from torrents. It puts torrent file sharing in a new light by downloading various torrent files including video, music, document, software, etc. The cutting-edge multi-mirror and multi-section download techniques aim to peak the speed and revive any dead torrents.



Enlarger Pro is a graphic processing software program developed by "Bearded Frog Software" whose aim is a very specific one - to enlarge your image files up to 1600% keeping a surprisingly good level of detail. To achieve that it uses its own magnifying algorithms, which allow it to reach very superior results to anything that standard enlargement tools or other existing methods can achieve.

  • Publisher: Bearded Frog Software
  • Home page: www.beardedfrog.com
  • Last updated: July 22nd, 2011

Additional Aim cfg 80 aim download selection



AiM Software HD is a video surveillance program that enables you to configure and control IP Cameras and DVRs/NVRS devices. You can record and manage up to 144 channels of H.264/JPEG HD AiP cameras or SVR’s cameras, schedule recordings and it also has support for motion detection.

  • Publisher: AiM Software HD
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2014
AIM Password Recovery

AIM Password Recovery

AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) Password Recovery will find all encoded AIM passwords stored on the local PC under the current account. The passwords will then be cracked and decoded (decrypted) to display on the screen in a user-friendly format. Correct passwords will of course be displayed only if you are able to login automatically in AIM.

  • Publisher: Reactive Software
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2012
Lotto Aim

Lotto Aim

Lotto Aim is equipped with a very comprehensive analysis system, including an original data analysis and seven transformation data analysis. It provides a data diagram entailing more regularity, and its analysis function includes data analysis, arrangement analysis, circulation analysis, positional code analysis and relation analysis.

  • Publisher: Lotto Aim
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2011
AIM Password Decryptor

AIM Password Decryptor

AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) Password Recovery Software

Atomic AIM Password Recovery

Atomic AIM Password Recovery

Atomic AIM Password Recovery is a program to expose AIM username and password information (stored locally) instantly and 100% correct regardless of password length.



Nimbuzz is just like Skype: you can make phone calls and send messages. Calling another Nimbuzz users through the Internet is free. But you need to recharge your account with money for calling phone numbers. The application is available for most of the mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.

  • Publisher: Nimbuzz B.V.
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2015
AOL Desktop

AOL Desktop

This program helps you stay connected with AOL Mail, chat on AIM with your family and friends and be in the know with AOL.com. You can customize your toolbar and have access to your most frequently visited websites. The program gives you the ability to manage and view your files downloaded from the web.

  • Publisher: AOL Inc.
  • Last updated: June 17th, 2020
Diablo - Hellfire

Diablo - Hellfire

This is a side-scrolling shooter where you take the controls of a powerful spaceship and launch an assault on an alien world.

  • Publisher: GameFabrique
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Skype Recorder

Skype Recorder

SKYPE Recorder is a powerful program that enables you to record and replay any Skype call. The program is designed to work with Skype, AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and Net2Phone. The audio content can be recorded from any source, including microphone, line-in, or speakers.

  • Publisher: Goldenfoundsoft
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2014
Billiardino 2

Billiardino 2

Like billiards? Then this game is for you! In Billiardino 2 you can play against the computer or together with his friend. With simple, intuitive controls, you quickly learn how to play. Beautiful graphics and pleasant music will keep you entertained

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Home page: www.FalcoWare.com
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2023