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Air traffic control game torrent in Title/Summary

Global Air Traffic Control

Global Air Traffic Control

Global Air Traffic Control is a standalone simulation of the task of Tower, Approach and Departure controllers. What sets it apart from every other ATC simulation is that it is global, it covers all the major airports in the whole world with literally unprecedented detail.

  • Publisher: aerosoft
  • Last updated: July 21st, 2014
London Control

London Control

London Control is an air traffic control simulation system for the personal computer. The simulator uses up-to-date, real-life airspace, the sectors and procedures used by real air traffic controllers, and real aircraft and their flight plans. It simulates all of the airspace controlled by the London (Swanwick) Centre and the Manchester area control sectors at Prestwick Centre.

  • Publisher: DM Aviation Limited
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2013
Airport Madness 3D

Airport Madness 3D

Airport Madness 3D is an air traffic control simulation game. It offers eight different airports namely Boston Logan, Los Angeles, LaGuardia, Jamaica, Toronto Island, Rocky Mountain Metropolitan, Vancouver Harbour float plane base, and Castlegar. Each airport has two separate traffic patterns, offering you two completely different air traffic control experiences.

Air traffic control game torrent in Description



ATCS2 Traffic Manager is a program that works with ATCsimulator2 from Aerosoft Corp., and allows the user to manage many aspects of air traffic in a sector. ATCsimulator2 is the premier air traffic control simulation for the PC. It allows the user to control the commercial and general aviation arriving and departing traffic at any of 120 TRACON sectors within the US.

  • Publisher: Spring Lake Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Radar Contact

Radar Contact

Radad Contact is the most complete Air Traffic Control (ATC) add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Previous versions of Radar Contact (RC) were based on adventures, which provided a realistic ATC environment. With the introduction of FS2002, adventures were no longer a viable option for RC.

  • Publisher: JDT LLC
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2008


SquawkBox is an add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator that connects virtual pilots to online air traffic control networks. It adds tremendous realism to your flights by connecting you to an online world populated with virtual air traffic controllers.

  • Publisher: Joel M. DeYoung
  • Home page: squawkbox.ca
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2008


VAT – SPY is a viewer application for the air traffic control to be used by the VATSIM networks. It is a multi threaded application unlike its model, ServInfo, which makes the user interface more responsive even though the application is still doing something on background. Thus, while downloading the current traffic data, you will be able to zoom or pan through the map.

  • Publisher: Metacraft Internet Services
  • Home page: www.metacraft.com
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2008
ATC Radar for FSX

ATC Radar for FSX

It is a radar dedicated to Air Traffic Control (ATC). It lets the controller watch the other FS aircrafts: AI Traffic, FS multiplayer or IBNet. This radar is especially well suited for online flights with a controller in charge of guiding aircrafts along the correct path. With IBNet, it can be used for military purpose to guide hostile interception or for military ATC

  • Publisher: World Wide Sim
  • Home page: emarciano.free.fr
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2012

Additional Air traffic control game torrent selection



IVAO virtual ATC client IVAO's premier ATC Client for Real-Time virtual simulation for Air Traffic Controlling as a Ground, Tower, Approach, or Center Controller. IvAc runs on a Windows based operating system with video cards supporting Open GL graphics and is fully compatible with IVAO's TeamSpeak voice interface.

  • Publisher: IVAO
  • Home page: www.ivao.aero
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2010


vSTARS is an air traffic control radar simulation program for use on the VATSIM network. It is a high-fidelity simulation of the real ATC system used in many approach control facilities in the United States. vSTARS aims to be a high-fidelity simulation of the real-world STARS system.

Air Assault

Air Assault

Air Assault is an action game developed by Media Contact LLC. Air Assault is an impressive action game where you will be able to control a war helicopter while you will fight against a huge number of enemies. Plot:Unlike other games of simulation, this is a very simple one.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Air Force Missions

Air Force Missions

Enjoy destroying enemies while you pilot a heavy battle helicopter. Use a wide variety of weapons all the way from machine guns, missiles, bombs, lasers and air support. After destroying some enemies you will earn extra bonus, powerups, weapon upgrades and ranking.



KDFW for FSX depicts DFW as it exists today including detailed renditions of its five terminals, the inter-terminal elevated tram and other terminal complex components. The most significant air traffic control, aircraft maintenance and cargo facilities are also included. All 161 jetway-equipped airline gates have been positioned as accurately as possible.



SimSRD is a utility for flight simulation and virtual air traffic control users (e.g. VATSIM) to perform lookups against the UK Standard Route Document when planning flights. SimSRD offers various features:- Modern user interface. -Reverse route lookups: a route can be searched for by choosing the arrival airfield or waypoint.

Airport Mania First Flight

Airport Mania First Flight

Pack your bags and catch a flight to fun with this action-packed strategy game! Pack your bags and take off for fun with Airport Mania! Land planes, unload, and return to the skies in 8 amusing airports. Avoid delays, keep your planes in good repair, and get to the gate on time to keep things running smoothly.

  • Publisher: Reflexive Entertainment
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2010
Slingo Deluxe

Slingo Deluxe

"Slingo" is the unique combo of legendary faves, Bingo and Slots. Slingo Deluxe is the first downloadable version to allow offline playing. The game features sharp graphics, saved stats, top 10 lists, and custom backgrounds. This is the perfect no-risk experience for anyone who enjoys the game of chance.



Spore is an innovative Sim-like video game that allows you to create a race. The game is available for many platforms, including Windows and Mac OS X, so it should appeal to anyone. The game allows you to create a single-cell organism that will evolve throughout the game. The goal of the game is supposedly to get to the space.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Home page: www.spore.com
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008


From the makers of Far Cry, Crysis offers FPS fans the best-looking, most highly-evolving gameplay, requiring the player to use adaptive tactics and total customization of weapons and armor to survive in dynamic, hostile environments including Zero-G.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2011