Airfoil dlna in Title/Summary

X-DLNA is all you need for your DLNA devices by acting both as a media server and as a device manager.
- Publisher: GGS
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2017

Airfoil Design Workshop
The Airfoil Design Workshop is a unique piece of software designed for aircraft designers and/or modelers who like to design and create their own aircraft plans.The software allows users to graphically display common .DAT format airfoil data files available from airfoil databases on the web.
- Publisher: TDM Software and Consulting
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 14th, 2009

Airfoil Satellite
Airfoil Satellite is a free-to-use app that allows you to turn your Windows PC into an audio receiver. Airfoil Satellite for Windows receives audio from Airfoil for Mac and Airfoil for Windows, as well as iTunes, iOS devices, and other third-party software.
- Publisher: Rogue Amoeba Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Airfoil dlna in Description

JavaFoil is a free program that enables you to perform airfoil analysis. the program takes a set of airfoil coordinates, it calculates the local, inviscid flow velocity along the surface of the airfoil for any desired angle of attack. It also solves a set of differential equations to find the various boundary layer parameters.
- Publisher: Martin Hepperle
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2013

Profili 2 Professional
Profili is a program developed to help the 'do it yourself' modellers. This Pro version of Profili can assist you in: searching for the right airfoil for your application, creating new airfoils, analysing the airfoil aerodynamic, drawing, plotting or printing all the ribs for a trapezoidal or elliptical wing or the foam cutting templates.
- Publisher: Duranti Stefano
- Last updated: September 14th, 2012

CompuFoil3D Airfoil Template and Modification System. Create Foam Templates with Ease : Simply load an airfoil shape, and you are looking at a complete foam template. Alter the chord length, sheeting thickness, washout, etc. to your liking, and print out your template. See your Wing in 3D and so much more.
- Publisher: SoarSoft Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 31st, 2012

DesignFOIL is a Windows/Linux-based airfoil software tool. It helps you create, modify, and aerodynamically analyze airfoil shapes. It also performs basic wing layout, CAD export, and creates CFD preparation files. Although built for professionals, the user-friendly interface is used by many hobbyists as well.
- Publisher: DreeseCode Software
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

DVBLink Network Client Configuration
DVBLink Connect! Server lets you enjoy your favorite TV channels throughout your whole house and on the go. - Access TV content in your home network in Windows MediaCenter, running on network computers - Watch Live TV on DLNA enabled clients such as DLNA TVs, Sony PlayStation3, on netbooks and laptops, running Windows 7
- Publisher: DVBLogic
- Last updated: October 11th, 2012
Additional Airfoil dlna selection

PS3 Media Server
PS3 Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server. PS3 Media Server has been written to support the PlayStation 3, but it has expanded its capabilities to support a wide range of other media renderers, including smartphones, TVs and music players.
- Publisher: phpBB Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2013

TorrentsTime Media Player
Torrents Time downloads and streams torrents instantly, directly from your browser. This app gives you Chromecast, Airplay and DLNA support. Torrents Time also offers built in VPN, so you can enjoy complete anonymity while downloading and streaming torrents directly from your browser.
- Publisher: TorrentsTime
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2017

DivX Pro
DivX Pro is a software pack comprised of a player, a web player, a converter, and a media server, capable of producing a multitude of tasks such as playing, converting, and casting video content. The player and the media server features are embedded together in the same program, while the converter is a standalone application.
- Publisher: DivX, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 17th, 2018

SAMSUNG PC Share Manager
Samsung PC Share Manager allows you to share files between your PC and Smart TV. through the DLNA technology, the SMART TV can connect to the server on PC and stream the files added to the Share list. Software offers a GUI to make it easier to add files from your computer to the share folder.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 14th, 2010

TwonkyMedia Manager
TwonkyManager offers a convenient way to beam media from your computer to compatible network-connected devices. TwonkyManager includes the latest TwonkyServer and is compatible with myTwonky and your Twonky account. Link TwonkyManager to your Twonky account to access personalized video channels, social media photo and video feeds, as well as SHOUTcast radio stations.
- Publisher: TwonkyMediaTM
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Universal Media Server
Universal Media Server is a DLNA, UPnP, and HTTP/S media server. It can stream or transcode video, audio, and image formats with little or no configuration. It is powered by tools such as FFmpeg, MEncoder, tsMuxeR, MediaInfo, and OpenSubtitles, which combine to offer support for a wide range of media formats.
- Publisher: Nicholas Newman
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Plex Home Theater
Plex Home Theater is a media player application for your PC that can act as a client for the Plex Media Server. It must be installed in your dedicated computer used as a home theater. It's optimized for the big screen and supports a wide variety of formats with high-definition audio, and native frame-rates.
- Publisher: Plex inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 24th, 2015

Shark007 Standard Codecs
Codecs are essential for the correct playback of media files. The codecs installed on your system will determine the media file types that your players can play, but just installing them may not always be enough. Shark007 Standard Codecs not only offers you a comprehensive set of codecs, but also the option to configure them correctly and according to your specific requirements at no cost.
- Publisher: Shark007
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

TVersity Media Server
Play your entire media collection on TV and mobile! Access your personal Internet content from sites like YouTube, Flickr and Picasa! Personalize your library with tagging, content discovery wizards, and a web browser toolbar! Devices with DLNA / UPnP A/V or just a web browser and a media player all just work!
- Publisher: TVersity
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 26th, 2015

Mezzmo is a media server that can stream your music and videos. This server works with all popular devices including web browsers, TVs, Blu-ray players, home theater systems, games consoles, set-top boxes, tablets, smartphones, media players, and Google Chromecast.
- Publisher: Conceiva Pty. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020