Aisc pipe properties in Title/Summary

Pipe Properties
The program will report: * Pipe Outside Diameter * Inside Diameter * Wall Thickness * Inside CS Area * Traverse Metal Area * Moment of Inertia * Section Modulus * Radius of Gyration * Outside Surface Area * Inside Surface Area * Weight
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 28th, 2010

AISC Shapes
AISC Shapes is a database program provides all the section and dimension properties for steel shapes, based on the 7th, 8th and 9th edition of the AISC steel manual. Great graphics and print capability. Now you'll never say "I have the wrong version of the manual!"
- Publisher: Archon Engineering
- Last updated: November 7th, 2009

Historic AISC Shapes
Historic AISC Shapes is a free program that adds legacy shapes to the IES database. The program provides the "Historic" from early 1900's, "ASD5" from the 1950's and "LRFD1" from about 1986. It is designed to work with VisualAnalysis 11.0 and ShapeBuilder 7.0.
- Publisher: IES
- Last updated: February 8th, 2014
Aisc pipe properties in Description

ShapeBook with 2D3DSteel
A structural steel design reference, estimating, and AutoCAD drafting tool for steel construction. You can view shape properties, estimate steel and coatings, Draw steel details in AutoCAD. Based on AISC Manual of Steel Construction 13th Edition.
- Publisher: South Fork Technologies, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2015

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design
DHex is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the chemical design calculations of Double pipe (hairpin) Heat Exchangers.The software will do all the thermal calculations involved in the design and will generate a summary of all results..etc
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

ShapeDesigner is a useful tool for structural engineers, for the design or analysis of steel, aluminum, and polymeric or composite materials sections. ShapeDesigner calculates the stress distribution including normal, warping and shear stresses, the equivalent Von-Mise, principal and residual stresses.
- Publisher: MechaTools Technologies Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2010

Cross Section Analysis & Design
Cross Section Analysis & Design performs all calculation tasks for generic cross sections of any material. Moreover, the program can perform reinforcement design as per AASHTO, UBC, AS 3600, IS 456, ACI 318, BS 8110, CSA A233, EC2, NZS 3101 and CP65.
- Publisher: Engineering Software Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Graitec - Advance Design 2014
Advance Design was specifically developed for industry professionals that require a superior solution for the structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete, Steel and Timber structures according to the latest versions of Eurocodes (EC0, EC1, EC2, EC3, EC5 and EC8), North American (ACI / AISC) codes and Canadian codes(A23.3, S16).
- Publisher: Graitec
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 13th, 2013
Additional Aisc pipe properties selection

Steel-Beam is a user-friendly robust program that allows the combined stress evaluation of steel beams and steel columns under combined axial and flexural loads. Designs can be examined with Allowable Stress Design Codes by AISC ( ASD 9th Edition ), and with Load Factored Resistance Design codes LRFD 2nd and 3rd editions.
- Publisher: Deep Excavation

Pipe Flow Expert
Pipe Flow Expert is a program for designing and analyzing complex pipe networks where the flows and pressures must be balanced to solve the system. It features Isometric 3D drawing and standard 2D piping layouts, customized PDF reports, robust calculation engine that can solve complex pipe networks, modelling of up to 1000 pipes with the full license, and more.
- Publisher: Daxesoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2017

Pipe Flow Wizard
Pipe Flow Wizard allows calculating pipe pressure drop and flow rate, being a simple-to-use, accurate and handy “what if” piping calculation solution for both liquids and gases. It comes with a simple interface that allows performing 4 different types of calculations for a single pipe based on known data.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010

EpaCAD is a free software which easily converts an AUTOCAD file into an EPANET one, EPANET is the most widely used free software for simulation of pressurized water networks. EPACAD is able to automatically import the main properties of elements, largely providing the required information to build a network.
- Publisher: ITA
- Last updated: January 8th, 2011

Engineering Power Tools -
Engineering Power Tools is a library of engineering programs that can be used to quickly solve a wide range of commonly encountered engineering problems. Engineers have to work over and over again with a wide range of formulas, constants and algorithms, so it’s very convenient for them a library that provides quick access to all those important information and tools.
- Publisher: Engineering Power Tools Software
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Engineering Power Tools Plus Edition
Engineering Power Tools is an engineers’ oriented application. The application basically consists in a huge electronic collection of engineering utilities that can be used to solve, in an efficient and fast manner, a large variety of normally encountered engineering problems.
- Publisher: Engineering Power Tools Software
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2013

Pipe Flow Advisor
Pipe Flow Advisor is a utility that can help you calculate flow rate, depth or volume for water flowing through pipes, tubes, channels and weirs or the time taken for a tank to empty. The developer specifies it that the results are estimates obtained using the Manning formula, and that more accurate results are obtained with practical measurements.
- Publisher: PipeFlow Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2009

SOLKANE Refrigerants
SOLKANE Refrigerants is a powerful calculation program for thermophysical properties. It calculates the thermodynamic substance data and transport properties of all Solkane refrigerants and some CFCs. It contains modules for the calculation of a total of 7 different ones and two-step cycle processes and for dimensioning of a refrigerant's pipe lines.
- Publisher: Solvay
- Last updated: November 4th, 2012

Water And Steam Properties for Windows
Water and Steam Properties, known as WASP, is a Windows 95 application. This program is aimed at mechanical and chemical engineers. It calculates the physical properties of ice, water and steam in many popular units. It contains data for 15 fixed and 17 variable properties from -100 to 800 deg C and up to 1000 bar.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 7th, 2012

PIPE-FLO Professional
PIPE-FLO Professional is a comprehensive piping system analysis package that provides you with a clear picture of the design and operation of your entire piping system. PIPE-FLO Professional provides a total picture of the piping system including the steady state flow rates and pressures throughout the system, along with the interaction of pumps, control valves, and flow meters.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Last updated: January 14th, 2015