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Ajax file directory lister in Title/Summary

Directory Lister Pro

Directory Lister Pro

Directory Lister Pro allows you to list and print folder contents. It can create the list of files from selected folders on hard disks, CDs, USB storage, and network shares. Lists can be saved in HTML, TXT, XLS, and CSV formats or stored directly into databases.

  • Publisher: KRKSoft
  • Home page: www.krksoft.com
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2019
File & Folder Lister

File & Folder Lister

File & Folder Lister is a 100% freeware that used to print files/directories information to audio/video playlist (m3u/pls), PowerBuilder resources file (pbr), text file (txt), Excel document (xls), web page (htm/html) and MS Word document (doc).

  • Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
  • Home page: www.trisunsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021
Directory Classifier

Directory Classifier

Directory Classifier is a directory lister utility that lets you view a customizable listing of contents for any folder on your computer. Directory Classifier allows you to also specify what detail information to list, as well as apply filters to limit the files that are included in the output list.

  • Publisher: Adolix
  • Home page: www.adolix.com
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Ajax file directory lister in Description



Configurable DICOM receiver. Works as stand-alone application or is created as needed by other applications. Creates DICOM part 10 (*.dcm) files in an easily-interpreted directory tree (Patient/Study/Series/Image) so the user does not have to mess around with databases of filenames.

  • Publisher: JnJ Associates LLC
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2011


AffiliateEXE protects our profits and software products as affiliated vendors, by converting the EXE file of our affiliate version or affiliate trial version to a new executable one; introducing our affiliate identification name while the conversion is taking place. It is optional, but possible, to also pack our logo picture. The final software is fully protected and cannot be renamed by any user.



Convert your scanned paper drawings to AutoCAD drawing format!Slick! ViewPlus features:- 3D Views, hidden line removal, and shading - runs under 64-bit Windows XP / 7 - views jedmics c4 files when running under 64-bit Windows XP / 7 - Views dwf files from Inventor - batch print to scale - additional batch printing options: active layouts only, all layouts, modelspace or paperspace layouts only

  • Publisher: CAD Systems Unlimited, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011
Stellar Phoenix (FAT & NTFS)

Stellar Phoenix (FAT & NTFS)

Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery Software is an efficient READ-ONLY data/ file recovery utility that allows you to recover all your important data, lost or deleted after an accidental format, virus crash, partition loss software malfunction, file or directory deletion or even sabotage.

Stellar Phoenix FAT

Stellar Phoenix FAT

Stellar Phoenix FAT is a powerful READ-ONLY data recovery solution that allows you to to search, locate and recover your lost, missing, inaccessible or deleted data. This incredible software will enable you to recover all your data/files lost due to accidental format, virus problems, software malfunction, file/directory deletion, unexpected shutdown, or even sabotage.

Additional Ajax file directory lister selection

IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller

It is designed to quickly remove every unwanted program with all associated files for a safe, fast and light PC. Logged programs, folders, registries or any leftovers will be scanned and displayed at a glance for you to quickly clean up all leftovers.

  • Publisher: IObit
  • Home page: www.iobit.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024


Sync is a simple command-line utility for performing one-way directory or file synchronization. It synchronizes the specified target to match the specified source. Only the target is modified. Free software written in Java.

  • Publisher: Zach Scrivena
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2010
XPort 360

XPort 360

XPort 360 is a backup and restore utility for the Xbox 360. It allows you to navigate the file directory of the Xbox 360 memory units. The console uses both a hard drive and memory cards to store important information. Xport 360 can access both. It also allows you to "inject" information into any directory of said memory units.

  • Publisher: Gavin M Thornton
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2009


TXTcollector grabs all .txt files from the directory of your choice and combines them into a new (larger) text file. This can come in handy: I use TXTcollector myself to grab a CD full of readme's to enable me to read them all in one go. At work I use it to combine daily and weekly reports and to combine server backup logs. Some users find this application perfect for combining their network log files. Options/Features: - grabs all .txt files from a directory and combines them - puts directory-, file name and separator between each text file - possibility to add your own extensions and separators - popup list with files ready to be merged - able to recursively search directories - allows continuous merging (without Carriage Returns) - runs on Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/2003/XP/Vista

  • Publisher: hippofreeware.blogspot.com
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2011


ZTreeWin 2.4.145

  • Publisher: Zedtek, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ztree.com
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2013


MTPdrive is intended to map devices to a drive letter. It works with all devices that operate in MTP mode, mostly those running on Android as well as cameras and Apple portable devices. The use of PTP has some advantages, for instance, it allows accessing movies stored in Apple devices as well as reconstructing the original file structure more quickly.

  • Publisher: Cranking Pixels
  • Home page: www.mtpdrive.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Directory Report

Directory Report

Directory Report is an application that helps you find duplicate files, rename files, show folder size and maintain your files. The main screen shows the total size of each directory and as you open each folder - the total sizes of their directories are shown. The program helps you find and clean up huge data files left over even after uninstalling programs and pre-installed bloatware.



wList allows you to create a list of the files and subfolders of a given folder (also known as a directory). With one click, you can create a list of the contents of any CD-ROM, DVD, or USB flash drive, or any hard disk. You can easily search through or print this list.

  • Publisher: SharkTime Software
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2010
Directory Toolkit

Directory Toolkit

Directory Toolkit displays a single or side-by-side directory comparison using color coding for alike, different, or missing files. You can copy, move and rename files while retaining long filenames. Built-in ZIP, TAR, GZ, LZ & CAB archive functions, with Explorer shell extensions, let you easily create and manage archives.

  • Publisher: Funduc Software Inc.
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011


Create HTML indexes from directory contents

  • Publisher: Jem Berkes
  • Home page: www.pc-tools.net
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2010